Monday, July 28, 2014

Birthday Projects!

Paige has been busy working on many of her birthday gifts! She received lots of fun crafty things, she loves that kind of stuff! She's been sitting at the kitchen table for over an hour working on projects and her assistant Graham has been watching and eating puffs like crazy!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday!

Happy 4th Birthday to our AMAZING little girl! Where has the time gone, how is it possible that you're already four years old?!?
You're turning from a toddler to a little girl. You are kind, compassionate, loving, sweet, funny, independent, strong willed, energetic and the best little girl 2 parents could ask for! We are blessed and your brother is lucky to have such a sweet and loving big sister. Graham loves you and turns from grumpy to happy once you walk in the room! I can't wait to see what the next year will bring, I hope it doesn't fly by as quickly as this year...I want to put life on pause sometimes. Watching you grow and mature is amazing and we love you more than words!!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

On the move...

We have one busy little boy on our hands! He's hilarious and sometimes I look at him and wonder how he has become so strong and how it's possible for him to get into everything! He's going to keep me young (or give me more gray hair) and I love him to pieces. He's such a happy little guy, very spoiled...but happy. He's got all of us wrapped around his little finger!

 I thought that by putting things on the second step that they'd be out of reach...I guess I was wrong! He's too smart!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

8 Months Old!

How can that be, this little guy is 8 months old today! To celebrate he started climbing stairs...I think we're in trouble! Good thing he's so dang cute!

Best Friends!

What a whirlwind couple days! My best friend Sara and her two kids came to stay with us, there was never a dull moment with the 4 little ones around. We only had full conversations after the kids went to bed, even then the term "conversation" is questionable.
It was great to have some time together, her living across the country makes it hard...but we talk all the time and I feel lucky to call her my best friend! Not sure what we'd do without each other, life is better with great friends! Love ya Sara and only wish we lived closer!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Zoo Day!

Ryan had the day off and Paige has been talking about going to the zoo, so today was the perfect time to check it out. The temps were cool, it was a beautiful day and the kids were both in great moods. Graham had his first zoo experience and he seemed to love it! He's such an easy, go with the flow kid...we are lucky! Feeling blessed to have such a great little family!