Sunday, August 31, 2014


Watching these two play together warms my glad they have each other!


Who says you can't practice casting off your front porch? Paige and I sat on the front porch early yesterday morning. We were talking and I was drinking my coffee, before I knew it she had her fishing rod and was casting off the front porch AND drinking my coffee. She's so funny, I giggled a lot and she loved putting on a show for me. Life is good!

Friday, August 29, 2014


It's official Graham is saying "Da...da".  I'm trying not to feel a little slighted, after all I am with him ALL day long! Ha, I guess Daddy (da...da) is a pretty special guy. Hoping he'll figure out how to say "mama" soon too! Love this kid!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A rare look....

A rare look at Graham's 2 bottom teeth...he's not usually willing to show them off!

Saturday, August 23, 2014


He has taken a liking to reading, this book is his favorite. It's called "A is for Apple" and it's a book about the alphabet. He's so calm when I read it and he's anticipating the next page. He's growing up to fast, now waving bye-bye and doing "so big" are natural things. I've been working on a few little sign language things like more and far he has no interest in it.

I love his blue eyes and I'm sad to see his gummy grin starting to fill with little white teeth. I want to freeze him in time, I love this boy!

Graham's 1st Bike Ride!

Look who's big enough to go in the bike carrier! It's a new sense of freedom for me, another activity for all 3 of us to do during the day. Maybe I'll be able to shed those last 10lbs of baby weight! Paige loved keeping an eye on him and he loved the wind blowing through his hair. So sweet to see him try new things with encouragement from his big sister...what a pair!

Graham was more interested in chewing on the seatbelt than looking at the camera!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

9 Month Stats

Graham had his 9 month Check up this morning:

Weight: 20lbs (55%)
Height: 30 Inches Long( 96%)
Head Size: 99%

He was a trooper, he got a shot and a blood draw. He didn't like it but got over it pretty quick. He has 3 teeth, knows how to say "so big" with is arms and recently started waving "bye-bye". He's pulling himself up on everything and walking along the furniture. My boy is growing up so fast!

Cabin Time

We just got back from our yearly "cabin trip" to Minong, WI. It was fun, the weather was a bit rainy but it ended up perfect. We had a great balance of outside time, inside time and time by the fire telling silly stories! Graham experienced his first ever visit to the cabin, he even got his 3rd tooth while we were there...causing some sleepless nights for has mom and dad :). It was great to watch all the kids have fun together and great to catch up with the big kids too. Here are a few pictures of our fun adventures!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Finally, a TOOTH!!!

Our sweet boy FINALLY got his first tooth! I can't wait to see how long it will be before another one pops through. I'm going to miss that gummy smile!
So cute, even with a messy face...he wasn't willing to show off his tooth yet!


He did it, he figured out to drink out of a straw! He's so proud of himself!

The Car Show

It was a beautiful night on Saturday, no humidity and a slight breeze. We decided to go to the carshow in Anoka with out neighbors. I didn't realize how big it was, pretty sure my favorite part was all the food vendors, we had corn dogs for dinner and ice-cream after...yum! Paige had fun with her buddies Grant and Addison, she even got to hang out in their Grandpa's car for a little while!

Paige's favorite Purple Car!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Garage Sale

This is a big part of what tied up all my time this past week. We had a garage sale, sold a ton of stuff and made a bunch of room in our storage feels so good to have those items off to another family! Thanks to my hubby, my mom for helping on sale day and Ryan's parents for having Paige over for the night so we could really focus on the sale. I think we're all glad it's over and our garage is back to normal (sort of).

Catching Up...

It's been a while since I've posted...lots going on this week and little screen time for this mama.
We had a fun time at "night to unite" our neighborhood had a great turn out and all the kids had a blast! Everyone brought a snack and shared a laugh. The fire/police came and the kids had a bike parade. I love our neighborhood!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Just Playing...

While getting ready for our garage sale I decided to bring out a couple new "big boy" toys. Graham is having fun playing with the little people farm. I decided to let go of some of the baby toys and pull out some of the bigger toys! How is my boy growing up so fast?!?