Sunday, January 18, 2015


Look who's trying to escape...this is his new favorite trick!
 What a goofball, I love this boy!


My how things have changed...I almost forgot how spoiled Graham was during bath time as a little baby. At this time last year he was getting his daily spa bath in front of the fire! Hard to believe how much has changed for this little guy in such a short time, I love his smile!


We had Graham's friend Jordan over for the day on Friday, well actually his mom is my friend so they are destiny to be buddies! Janelle and I have been friends for years and it's so much fun that our boys are only 5 months apart in age. They had a blast!


FINALLY! We were able to play outside for the last couple days...fresh air felt good! Graham still isn't very excited about the snow, I don't blame him. He can't walk and tips over every time he tries. He did a face plant in the snow within the first 2 minutes our first time out. I keep reminding myself that next year is going to be totally different and he'll never want to come inside!

Dance Class!

Paige started a dance class last week. She was sooooo excited, I think she asked about 100 times what time her dance class was that night. She got a couple dance outfits from our neighbor girls and she was thrilled! It was fun to watch her listen to the teacher and do everything she requested. A very cute  group of little girls. Paige is basically the tallest girl in the class, she totally takes after her mommy!

 She even let Graham try on a little skirt and dance around! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Haircut for our little guy!

Our sweet boy was in major need of a haircut!


Catching up...

 Working on his art skills!

 Paige and her friend Ava on the day school was closed! So glad Paige has such a good buddy AND that she lives across the street. I see many more "snow days" in the coming years! 

 So nice that they can play together sometimes. It's not always like this...but love seeing when they can play and laugh together! 
 I love this picture of Eliot reading to sweet! 

Doing daddy's hair!

Getting Daddy beautiful! Good thing he has a bib on so he won't get dirty :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


We (by that I mean Paige and I) cleaned out under the stairs today so that the kids could have a "cubby hole" like their cousins do.
Paige was in there almost all day! She came out for lunch but spent most of the afternoon down there and she had a blast! She needed this little escape, this cold weather has us all a but stir crazy! School is closed tomorrow due to cold weather so I'm sure she'll be spending most of her day in the cubby.

The never ending ear infection!

This ear infection is a bad one, and Graham is resistant to lots of antibiotics...he's pretty much Superman! He finally got a shot and is currently on 10 days of antibiotics. He has finally started feeling better, knock on wood! The poor guy was tough, he was so miserable...these are the things that made him happy...
 for some reason, wearing these googles made him very happy....
 having Paige pull him around the room on a blanket (or dad's jacket) made him happy...
 That's about all, he was pretty sad and usually had this sad little face. 
He's got a little more pep in in step yesterday and today...things are looking up!