Monday, May 25, 2015

Who needs training wheels? NOT Paige!

I'm amazed at how quickly this little girl caught on to riding without training wheels! It only took about 3 tries and she was good to go! Now she can ride all around the neighborhood...she's growing up way to fast!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015


A beautiful weather night at soccer (FINALLY)! Paige had a great night!

Preschool Graduation!

How can this be? How can my little girl already be done with preschool? They had an adorable program and she giggled, sang and smiled through all of it! So proud of the little person she has become...just wish she would stop growing up so fast!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Best Friends!

I had the most amazing visit to Arizona over mother's day weekend! There's nothing like spending time with your life long friend, the one who's always been there for you! A huge thanks to my hubby for watching the kids so that I could get away for a few days without a worry in the world.
 Snuggling with the kids before I left....

On the plane by myself....

 Hanging out with the BEST FRIEND I could ever ask for....
 Relaxing by the pool :)! 
Sushi lunch and LOTS of shopping!

Helmet Fitting

The kids got new helmets! The county has a program where kids can get fitted for helmets and it worked out great. Paige's was getting small and of course she'd rather listed to a police officer than her mom and dad. She was pretty proud that "Officer Dawn" helped her find a purple one! Graham LOVES helmets so of course he wanted to try all of them on!

Look Who's Learning to Ride...

Look who's learning to ride without training wheels!!! 

Some of my projects...

Sorry, these are not about my are a few projects that I've been working on :) 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Look who started soccer tonight!  I'm so proud, she' did an AMAZING job! She jumped right in and played the whole time. It's at the park right by our house so we were able to ride our bikes there. Keeping Graham off the field is a sport in itself! He is one busy little man!!!

Paige and her buddy Molly from school...not on the same team, but they had fun seeing each other!

Keeping up!

As you can tell from my lack of posts, I'm having a hard time keeping up with these two busy kids! Here's an attempt, a quick post with a bunch of random pictures :). I'm hoping to be better about posting this summer!

Granny turns 99!

Happy 99th Birthday to Great Granny! I'm amazed by how amazing Granny looks at age 99! We had a fun weekend at the water park and celebrating Granny's birthday! Dinner and a little party on Saturday night followed by a huge party on Sunday. She is an amazing lady and we are blessed to have her! Happy Birthday!!!

Busy Boy!

This little boy is into everything, he has more energy than I could ever hope for! Yet, today I found him on the chair (one of his new tricks) looking at a book. I love him!