Friday, July 24, 2015


Super Soccer Saturday! Paige had her last soccer game last Saturday, she had a great time and thanks to all the fans (grandma and grandpa) who came to watch!! We've had fun watching her this summer! Look how old my 4 year old looks! 


Since Graham gets VERY upset at the when we get his hair cut at a salon I've resorted to doing it at home. He's doesn't fuss at all, especially if I give him a cookie! Paige is my helper, she keeps him entertained while I buzz.
The pay-off is always a fresh cookie (one that's not full of hair). Last time he insisted on bringing it in the bathtub following his cut...he cracks me up!

photo credits: Paige Carlson


Man, we are lucky! These two cuties love each other like crazy! Don't get me wrong, they can fight with the best of em'...but they can usually be found playing together. Paige is a great big sister, she's patient, kind and loving...pretty much al little mommy in training. He's going to miss her like crazy when she heads off to kindergarten (I know I will too). Until then, I'm just going to try and enjoy all their time together!! 


I had sinus surgery last week and was out of commission for an entire week! I'm so thankful for all the help from family, everyone stepped up and took care of the kids so I could fully rest up. Not only did they watch the kids...they made meals so that I didn't have to do anything. 
Thanks to everyone for their amazing help!! 

Ryan took the day off on Friday, he ended up getting a new toy....not sure if it was more for him or the kids? Graham is obsessed with it, he talks about it all the time but I have to disconnect the battery because he has zero understanding of how to control the "toy". He's been on a couple joy rides that have sent me chasing him across the yard. 

Toys are fun!!


This guy LOVES shoes! Actually, he likes shoes that belong to anyone but him! 

Friday, July 3, 2015


Andy and Alice spent the night, the kids loved spending time with their big cousins. It was a great day, Paige never left Alice's side :).


We went to the zoo last weekend, it was a spur of the moment trip...lots of other families had the same idea! We had fun and everyone was very tired and the zoo was followed by a nap. Graham loved the Gorillas and Paige liked the seals.