Saturday, November 21, 2015

Aquarium at MOA

Graham and I were spoiled by Auntie Tracy a while back. She had free passes to the aquarium at Mall of America and we got in on the fun! Graham loved it and was pumped that he got to touch the sting rays! We even stopped at build a bear to find a little treasure for him. He picked a dino and named him "sin-sin"...I have no idea where that came from, but it works! 

 A random goofy pick that ended up downloading on this post...I like it :) 

Paige lost her first tooth!

I'm behind on posting...Paige lost her first tooth on Oct. 27th. She had a little help from her brother, they were wrestling and he accidentally kicked her in the mouth. Her tooth was hanging by a thread and the bump to her mouth was enough to set that little tooth free. She was so worked up, lots of tears...but once the pain and shock wore off she was really excited to see what the tooth fairy would bring. The tooth fairy brings a big present for your first tooth and then you get $1 for every other tooth you loose (or so I'm told). She has 2 more that are really loose, we'll see how long they hang in there...we might need more assistance from Graham!

 Notice her "big" took is already fully grown in! 

Paige's 1st Class Field trip!

Paige had her first class field trip a while back and I'm just getting around to posting about it. I feel really lucky that I was able to go with and volunteer. She has a great class and I had a total of 5 kids that I was in charge of. Paige's buddy Chelsee was in our group and it was fun to get to know her a little better. The kids loved their time at Pine Haven, lots of fun things to do and the day flew by. The bus ride home was quiet, I'd guess that over half the kids fell much fun!!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from out little dinosaur and our cute little kitty! 

Carving Pumpkins

We picked them, now it's time to carve them! Thanks to Ryan and Paige for pulling out all the guts! My hands don't like that job at all :). Look at all the fun faces we came up with! Happy Halloween!

Grandpa's Pumpkin Patch

Grandpa always has an amazing pumpkin patch! The kids love picking out pumpkins and checking out his HUGE sunflowers. We are so lucky to have a grandpa like this!! Graham was sleeping through all of the pumpkin picking festivities...hoping that next year he'll be able to be awake for the fun! Thanks Grandpa!!

Nature Walk...Fun with Cousins

It was a beautiful fall day to spend with family! Grandma and Grandpa's house is always a great place to take a nature walk and a 4wheeler ride too. Lots of fun with our big cousins! 

Paige trying to master the monkey bars!