Tuesday, August 31, 2010

5 weeks old!

I can't believe our sweet girl is already 5 weeks old!  She's changing so much every day, she has lots of smiles and has started cooing in the last couple days.  Daddy went back to work a couple weeks ago and we miss him like crazy!  Paige LOVES when Daddy gets home from work, she loves that he dances and sings for her...who wouldn't!  Paige got to meet her cousin Kenley this past weekend, I can't wait to watch those two girls grow up together!  I can see them sharing secrets, sharing clothes and giggling their little hearts out.  It's fun to think about the future, but for now I'm going to cherish every moment we have together!
Paige had some pretty fussy days last week so I decided to go "dairy free".  I never thought I could live without milk or cheese...but I'd give anything up for that little girl.  She seems to be doing better, she's less gassy and "spitty" so I'm going to stick with it.
We're getting ready for Labor Day weekend, Granny rented a resort in Backus so the entire family is going to spend the long weekend together.  Babies come with a lot of stuff, our car is going to be full of baby stuff :).
We've been able to have little outings together, I'm getting better and better about dealing with her fussy time in the car.  I've just accepted that she's not a fan of the carseat and that crying is an ok thing for her.  She's likes Target and it feels like we're there every other day...I keep thinking that she's going to grow out of the newborn diapers so I don't ever buy enough...ha..ha...ha...
We got her birth announcements today, my friend Mandy did a great job!  Can't wait to send them out and share our precious girl with the world! 
We weighed her (Ryan weighed himself and then again while he was holding her) and we're pretty sure she's around 11.5 pounds.  She's a solid little girl and we love those chubby cheeks...she's our pride and joy!
I'll try to post some pictures soon.

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