Monday, August 29, 2011

13 Months Old!

I can't believe I forgot to post this, sorry it's late but here's our big 13 month old girl!


After seeing how cute Kenley looked in her pigtails I had to try with Paige.  She looks so much older, and yes I realize she doesn't have enough hair yet...but she looks darn cute!

Janelle stopped by to play with Paige today.  Paige LOVES hanging out with Janelle, she's way more fun than mommy:).  I'm so excited for the wedding this weekend, Janelle is going to be a beautiful bride and the celebration will be a blast!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Breakfast & Whole Milk

I just had to note this for myself, Paige is finally drinking whole milk!  It's taken several weeks, but she's doing it...even if it's only 3oz a day.  She used to refuse the cup and throw it on the floor but this morning she was saying "please" for it and drank a lot (maybe an ounce or so) at one time!

Sometimes I'm shocked by how much she can eat, this morning she ate an entire whole wheat waffle, half a banana, 4 grapes and milk!  I feel so blessed to have a good eater!  We're off for our morning walk!

Crazy driver!

I found a couple new toys at a garage sale today, Paige loves the "car toy"!  It vibrates when she shifts and she laughs like crazy.  Maybe we have a race car driver on our hands!

Baby Bottle

Paige is finally willing to share the baby bottle with her dolly!  She usually sucks on it herself and won't share with the baby.  Today I found her playing with her baby and actually feeding her baby the was so cute.  She's getting so big!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sleeping through the night!

Paige slept through the night for the first time last Friday.  Since then she's done it twice.  The other nights she's still been walking up at least once, but I've been letting her "cry it out". She'll usually wake up and  fuss in for a bit, nothing major like in the past.  She fusses off and on and will eventually just lay back down and go to bed.  I haven't slept this great in over a year...I am one happy mommy!

Standing Up

Paige is now standing up in the middle of the floor to start walking (rather than handing on to furniture or someones hand)!  She did it all by herself for the first time this morning, I cheered like crazy and she loved it!  She did it over...and over...and over!  I'll try to get a video soon.  Way to go Paige!


Who knew laundry was so much fun?  Paige loves to help, although we usually don't get much done...she was still in her PJ's when we started laundry this morning.  She loves to wear my socks and put her socks on her hands...she's a goof!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Great Granny

We were able to visit Great Granny on our vacation.  It was so fun to see her and meet all her friends!  We brought pizza and enjoyed lunch together!  Paige loved all the trinkets in Granny's was hard to keep her from touching everything!  We had fun and it was great to see Granny!  Paige is one lucky girl to have such a sweet Great Granny, she's a young 95...and doesn't look a day over 29 :)!

Bay Lake 2011

It feels like forever since I've posted.  We spend the week at Bay Lake with the Ottenstroer side of the family, Grandma and Grandpa rented a cabin for all of us!  It was great to spend time together and worth waking up 2-3 times a night!  Paige loved waking up and seeing Grandma in the kitchen drinking coffee every morning...she loved knocking on Grandpa's door and waking him up too!  Andy and Alice always made her smile when they came down the stairs.  They had lots of good cousin time together, walking, feeding the fish, playing with toys, playing soccer with Andy and swimming in the lake.  She was spoiled by all!  She didn't like her first boat ride because of the life jacket, but the second time was a little better, she wasn't as crabby about it...she must have known she'd get some ice cream after.
Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for making more fun memories this year!  We love you!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Top 10 List

Here are Paige's top 10 things to do these days!

1. WALK!
2. Wave
3. Dance
4. Wiggle away from her mommy during diaper changes
5. Play outside
6. Giggle
7. She loves to be chased
8. Play in her pool
9. Eat crackers like a "big kid"
10. Suck her thumb

I love you Paige, you're getting so big and you amaze me everyday!

Hanging out with friends...

Paige and I met Mandy and James at Como zoo today, it was a beautiful day which explains why it was so crowded.  We met them for a picnic lunch and in my opinion that was the best part!  It was nice to sit in the shade, feed the kids and catch up...the kids had fun watching each other and all the other kids walking into the zoo.  I'm embarrassed to say that I forgot to take a picture of James and Paige!  We didn't last long at the actual zoo, it was hot, crowded and the kids were tired (I think Mandy and I were tired too :).  We parted ways and walked what seemed like 5 miles back to our car.  On the way back Paige and I stopped at the carousel, she loved watching the people go "round and round" and listening to the music.  We sat and watched for about 5 minutes and she was upset when we walked away.  There were lots of beautiful flowers on our walk back too, so of course I had to take her picture.  She was a very good girl and fell asleep on the way home.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A weekend at Nana and Grandpa's

We took a trip to Bigfork this weekend, we had a great time and Paige even took a dip in the lake!

Paige put her toes in the lake...then decided to take a swim in the buff!  She had fun with her buddy hunter who was on vacation too!

She's walking more and more.  She still isn't standing up on her own, but now she's willing to let go of furniture and venture to the other side of the room.  She puts her arms straight up in the air for balance and her little tongue sticks out while she concentrates.  Pretty darn cute!

Nana and Grandpa took us to Arcadia for dinner (where they filmed the "hams beer" commercial), we sat under the covered patio and watched the rain while we was really pretty!  The food was great and Paige has a new love for saltine crackers!  Thanks for a nice weekend Nana and Grandpa!