Friday, December 30, 2011

Paige's first Jimmy John's sub!

Paige has been very picky about food since her ear infection last week and it's been a struggle at meal time. Thanks to Sara for passing along that her son Rylan loves ham and cheese subs. Let's just say that the sub it was a hit! She was so proud to eat it like a big girl, and she ate most of it! I'm one happy momma tonight, I know that her tummy is full and I have a new item to add to the "like" list! Here are few pictures...look how big the sub was in the beginning and how little it got toward the end!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Our little cowgirl!

Nana gave us daddy's boots from when he was a little boy. They've been in her closet since she was born and today while I was putting clothes away she found them. She pulled them on all by herself and played with them for about  20 mins! She loves them, it cracks me up! 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Everybody in the stroller!

I think our girl is on the mend! Yesterday she put all her favorite "babies" in the stroller, I hope there's not a weight limit on that thing! 

Monday, December 26, 2011

17 Months

Paige is 17 months today and has a high fever and a double ear infection. It was a rough night and it's been a long day, poor little thing! I'm not going to torture her by taking her picture...I'll do it later this week. (17 months and 2 days old with daddy's old cowboy boots)

Ottenstroer Christmas!

Paige woke up a little under the weather on Christmas morning, she had a fever and wasn't herself. After some medicine she started feeling better and decided to open gifts. We were looking forward to spending time at Grandma and Grandpa O's house and Paige was feeling a lot better by the time we had brunch. Grandma always makes an egg bake for brunch and it was delicious! Paige was spoiled by her grandparents and her aunts and uncles. One of Paige's favorite gifts was a stroller for her babies! She is so lucky to be surrounded by love. Merry Christmas!

Carlson Christmas!

We had a great celebration on Christmas Eve at Eric and Shelly's house. Nana and Grandpa were there and it was so much fun to watch the kids open their gifts. We had a yummy dinner and made some great new memories! It was fun to watch Paige and Kenley open gifts this year, they were excited to tear the paper off the boxes and see what was inside! Paige has been loving all her gifts, she is one lucky girl!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas...I'm beat! We had a wonderful day with family and Paige did great. We were able to celebrate a visit from Santa this morning! It was a rocky start as Paige woke up with a 102 temp, but after the tylenol kicked in she was in good spirits. It was fun to watch her open her presents, she was so excited! Love her hair and I can't believe I'm posting pix of myself without make-up and right out of bed! Oh well, it's Christmas after all!
I have lots of family pictures to post tomorrow, I'm to tired to do it all tonight :)!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Our first Christmas of 2011

It's hard to believe that last Christmas Paige was only 5 months old and she had to sit in a bumbo seat to open gifts. Now she's running around and is a true toddler. I can't wait to see her little face on Christmas morning when she comes will be fun to watch her reaction to the gifts under the tree from Santa.
We had our first Christmas celebration of 2011with mommy's side of the family tonight. Paige had a ball, she was so willing to hang out with anyone...not shy at all. She's changing so much and it warms my heart that she's willing to let me out of her sight to "play" with everyone! Of course I wish I could have talked to everyone more, it's a phase of life that all moms have been through. You're busy chasing your kids around and have minimal conversation with adults :). Here are a few pictures from our night, Santa was there...and Paige wasn't happy about sitting on his lap. She had fun watching all the other kids though.

  (What make-up? Haley got some fun new make-up for her b-day and they decided to have a little make-up party)