Thursday, January 26, 2012

18 Months Old!

I know I say this every month, but I can't believe you are 18 months old Paige!!!

She was in her PJ's tonight when I finally took her picture, she looked so cozy and her hair was still "fluffy" from her bath! She smells scrumptious and I can't wait to cuddle her and watch Elmo before bed!

We're all packed and ready to leave the house at 5am tomorrow for Florida! If you think of us please send up a prayer, 18 month old little ones are very busy...especially on a plane!

Can't wait to take tons of pictures next week!

18 months stats

Paige had her 18 month check-up at the doctor earlier this week. She's right on track and growing like a weed/

I didn't get a print out of her information from the doctor so I'm going on memory.

Height: 33 Inches (87%)
Weight: 24lbs 2 oz (54%)
Head: 97% (not sure of the actual measurement)

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I always put Paige on the potty before bath-time. The last 2 times she's actually gone pee-pee in the potty! It's pure luck I know, but tonight after she went she was so excited and looked at me and said "HAPPY!" and had the biggest smile on her face. It was so cute, just like she was saying that she was so happy with herself! Let's hope then when potty training starts she'll be as excited...ha...ha...ha...


We decided to take full advantage of the cold weather and check out grandma and grandpa's sledding hill (the driveway). Paige was happy to get outside but not so happy about going down the hill on the sled. Oh well, she had fun watching Toby fetch the ball for grandpa and breathing in the cold MN air! I loved watching her toddle around with all her warm winter clothes. She looked like a puff-ball with rosy cheeks! Thanks to grandma for a yummy lunch and a nice warm fire to warm up after we came in from the cold! It brought back lots of memories for me.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I love my girls!

Dear A & P,

Daddy loves you both so much! The two of you are a great team and bring me so much joy!


Thursday, January 19, 2012


Winter has finally arrived! The thermostat said -15 this morning, it's hard to believe it was 50 degrees just a couple weeks ago! We had our last day of school (ecfe) this morning and it was a chilly drive! I wish Paige would leave her hat and mittens on in the car, but the second we pull out of the driveway she has them off and thrown all around the back seat. Oh well, I guess she'll learn one of these cold days.
We stayed home all afternoon and were grateful for a warm home!
Paige has been really into headbands lately, and she puts them on all by herself. You will see from the pictures below that she prefers them across her forehead...ha...ha...ha...
We hope you are all staying warm!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Playing At Grandma & Grandpa's House

Paige had so much fun playing with her cousins today. She colored and played with stickers while Andy and Alice did some other craft projects. Paige loved it, I really enjoy watching her play with the's fun to watch her face and see how much she admires her big cousins. Grandma made a fort for Alice and Paige, they brought all their babies and toys in and had a ball. Grandpa played the piano and we topped off the day with some pizza for lunch! What a great day, here's to hoping Paige takes a great nap!

Old Toys = New Fun

This was a toy that Paige used a long time ago when learning to stand. I've had it tucked away for months and recently brought it out knowing she'd be excited to see Elmo. She pulled her stool up, sat down and has been playing with it ever since. Who knew this "old" toy could be so much fun!?!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Top 5 Favorites

These are Paige's top 5 favorite things right now (17 1/2 months old).

1. Blackberries
2. Babies
3. Eating cereal like a big girl
4. Stickers
5. Elmo

Monday, January 9, 2012

50 degree weather in January!

This type of weather is unheard of for a January day in Minnesota! We spend a lot of time outside this afternoon - we got the mail, went for a walk and fed the deer (and whatever other animals like to eat our birdseed). Paige had a blast and played in the birdseed for a good 20 minutes, she loves the feeder her daddy made. The birdseed paid off, we had 5 deer in the yard at dusk including a huge buck. It's so much fun to watch them, they even chased a little bunny away from the feeder tonight! It amazes me that they don't get spooked by all the screaming and banging on the windows.
I only wish that every winter day was this nice. We've been so spoiled this year, it's going to be a rude awakening when the first zero degree day hits!
Here are a couple pictures from our day:

Saturday, January 7, 2012


As you can tell, she really likes cereal! So fun to watch her eat like a "big girl"!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Toy

Paige loves this Christmas gift from Santa...but it's getting a little old for momma. Santa got a really good deal on this toy (it was only $9.99) and knew Paige would love it by the way she watched it on a trip to Target. It's a "figit" and her name is Wila, it's actually pretty can talk to her and she'll dance and tell jokes on command. The only problem is that you have to talk in a high pitch "child-like" voice because Wila only responds to a girls voice ranging from age 5-11. I kid you not, I called customer service today because Wila wasn't working right and they lady told me to talk in a high pitch voice...IT WORKED! How weird. Oh well, I'll give you a short video of Wila's loud and wild dance moves...Paige loves her and that's all that matters.


I took the baby gate down yesterday, I knew it would take a couple days of reminding her to stay off the stairs but I was so ready to be done with it. It only took one full day of constantly telling her not to go on the stairs in order for her to "get it". Today was day two and she did a great job, she played on the bottom two steps but didn't attempt to climb any higher unless we were going upstairs. It feels good to have the gate down, I no longer have to climb over it all day long. She is a good girl, testing my will yesterday wasn't that bad and it sort of made me giggle inside.

Here's a cute video of her with her dolly. She's obsessed with watching any video I take of her!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I can't believe it's already 2012, where does the time go? We had a low key night with the Carlson crew, enjoying steak & shrimp and sharing in the excitement of Eric's new dental practice and the fact that Nana and Grandpa were heading to Florida today.  I believe we were all in bed long before the clock struck twelve!
This year will bring lots of new adventures and changes, Paige will grow leaps and bounds and I can't wait to make tons of new memories.
Below is a picture I've been wanting to take for a long time. I should have done it when Paige was younger and didn't have such a strong opinion on things. You can imagine that she wasn't happy about taking her thumb out of her mouth, you can even see that her thumb is still wet...ha...ha...ha... Thanks to Grandma Kathy for my new tripod, it came in very handy!