Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Grand View Lodge

We went on a little family adventure yesterday! Ryan had an overnight work meeting at Grand View Lodge in Nisswa, so we jumped in the car for the 2 hour drive and headed north. Paige was excited, she knew she was going to be able to go swimming and spend the night away from home. When we got there we went directly to the pool and stayed there for 2 + hours. She loved the zero entry and I loved that we had the pool to ourselves! There's a big water slide, but they turn the water features off in the winter months I guess? Either way, she liked swimming around and playing with all the balls. It was 80 degrees in the pool area and the pool was nice and warm. The view from the pool was overlooking the lake, the frozen lake and blowing winds seemed like a world away! There were fish houses and lots of snowmobiles that were very interesting to Paige...from the pool she'd say "is that another snowmobile", "oh, that's a pretty one". It was a great day and we even had a cute little cabin all to ourselves, it was a great new family memory! I wish I would have brought my camera to the pool, I forgot it in the car and wasn't about to go back out to the subzero temps to get it!

The view from our front window...brrrr!
 Relaxing after our pool adventure 
 The kitchen
 The living room
 The bedroom...she didn't sleep in the pack n' play...she's to tall and ended up "sleeping" in bed with me. We had to kick Ryan out to the living room because she kept waking up saying, "daddy is snoring and waking me up".

 Working like daddy!

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