Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

 What a day! What a fun day! It started early, Paige's new thing is to wake up between 5:00 and! 
We went to church and they had a fun Easter egg hunt for all the kids, so fun to see the joy on the faces of all those kids! It was especially fun to see Paige's excitement! 
After Church it was a hunt for her Easter basket at home! She had to search, it was in the front closet and she found it!

Then we went and spent the day with our family at Grandma and Grandpa's house! Paige was thrilled to play with all her cousins and have another egg hunt! She got a TON of candy and luckily we managed to give it all away to Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and anyone who would take it. I think everyone was happy to get a sweet treat :). Paige doesn't know the difference, she was happy with one blue plastic egg...I know that will change next year!  
We all had a great time with family, lots of catching up...but there's never enough time. Fun was had by all, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for a great Easter!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Warm Sunshine!

We finally had some warm sunshine this afternoon! It was amazing to see how much snow melted from yesterday! We were able to wear spring fleece jackets and played outside for almost 2 hours! Ryan was hunting at a game farm today so it was just us girls. Can't wait for summer!!!

She loves wearing my sunglasses, she says "they fit me better"

Friday, March 29, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dying Easter Eggs with Grandma!

 Two cute bunnies!
 We only cracked 4 eggs before dying them...not bad!

 Helping Grandma decorate for Easter with bunnies and eggs! 
This is a big job and Paige was thrilled to help!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

Paige took Mommy and Grandma on an Easter egg hunt today! The egg hunt was put on by the "women of today" group in Anoka and it started at 10am. We got there at 10:01 and I'm pretty sure it was over by 10:02! Those kids are fast, Paige managed to find 2 eggs (with the help of her amazing mom). Grandma and Mommy were exhausted from walking through the almost knee high snow, all to find 2 eggs! Oh well, the fun started after the egg hunt anyway. They hosted a fun little party for the kids in the community center and we all had fun! I asked her what her favorite part was and she told me "the sucker part". She held on to that sucker for dear life, her teeth were blue and her lips were blue! They had lots of fun little games and prizes, she even got to see the Easter bunny! She kept her distance, and was happy seeing him from across the room. It was a fun morning of Easter festivities while the dads were out hunting.

 Making puppy eggs with Grandma!

 More crafts, a cute egg magnet for the fridge!

 Paige won the Cake-Walk!!!

 Keeping our distance from the Easter Bunny!

 Face Painting and Blue Teeth!
 A cute lady-bug on her cheek!
 Her teeth are still blue! She even caught a fish at the duck pond...more prizes!
She even got to plant a flower seed and take it home, she hopes the flower is yellow.

Friday, March 22, 2013


A last minute trip to MOA was a must this morning. Ryan has been out of town and I was going stir-crazy! Paige loved the idea and was thrilled to go on the merry-go-round. We had a good time and got there right when it opened, no lines and lots of fun! She insisted on going on the car ride 3 times, she loved it! The best part is we used up an old wrist band and I packed a lunch so we didn't even spend any money today!!