Thursday, March 21, 2013

Snow White

Paige and I had a special "date" tonight! We went to the play "Snow White", it was put on at Andover Middle school and Paige's buddy Sophia was in the play. We had fun, although I don't remember Snow White being scary...Paige told me half way through that she didn't like the queen and was scared. She proceeded to watch the rest of the play with hands over her eyes. I'm praying she doesn't have bad dreams. I didn't think the queen was scary...but I guess I have to look at it through the eyes of a 2 year old. Either way, it was fun to go to her first play and experience some "big girl stuff" with her. She's growing up so fast, and changes so much by the week! She truly is my buddy and I feel blessed to be her mommy!
 Self portrait! 
My cute date!

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