Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Enjoying the warm weather!

It's FINALLY here, I don't know how long it will last but warm weather and sunshine are here! It's been wonderful to play outside, have picnics and get some much needed fresh air!

 Just hanging out...
 Looking for worms!
Her new favorite thing to do is buckle her baby in the car, who knew?

More Arizona...

I was able to sneak away for a long weekend to Arizona. I had a great time, it was amazing to see Sara and spend time with her family. I loved snuggling with their newest addition, Ella. She's the most perfect and beautiful little baby girl!
We were able to do lunch and dinners on the patio and even do a little shopping! It was a great trip, AND I missed Ryan and Paige. It was great to get home and see them too!
I only wish that Sara and her family lived closer...it would be so much fun to raise our kids together!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

33 Months Old!

I'm a day early on this picture, but I won't be home tomorrow. Paige is getting so big and I love everything about her. As I type this she is counting backwards from 7...she's so proud 7-6-5-4-3-2-1!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My little girl...

My little girl loves to take care of her "babies". It could be a baby doll, teddy bear or minnie mouse and she would still call them her babies. She was singing to them in her tent this morning and said "mommy, come look". It was a song she learned at ECFE and she was beaming with pride to show me how she could sing in to her babies. I love this kid!

Paige: "Mom, take a picture of me with my babies".

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Nana and Grandpa's

It's so great to have Nana and Grandpa home, it's fun to take a day trip and Paige loves playing at their house. She played in the show with Ryan and Grandpa...see the action shot!

Friday, April 19, 2013

April 19th!

This is what April 19th, 2013 looks like in MN!

I'm thankful that Ryan was home this afternoon to play outside with Paige, I've had enough of winter and didn't have it in me to head out in the cold. Can you tell I'm sick of winter:)???

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Paige: "Daddy said he likes when I wear my hair in a pony-tail...I want to wear a pony-tail every day".

She looks so much older with a pony-tail...she's really growing up!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I'm sure everyone is feeling a little stir-crazy, the fact that we haven't seen the sun (minus yesterday) for what feels like weeks and weeks doesn't help.

Trying to entertain a toddler and find things to do is getting tough. Looking forward to sunshine and warmth some day soon. I feel like if I keep saying it, that it will happen!

Paige grows more and more verbal every day. She's so funny and her wit amazes me! One downfall the last couple days has been early wake ups, she's decided that 4:20am seems like a good time to start her day. That's way to early for anyone, let alone a 2 year old! Today was a little better, she got up at 5:45 and allowed Ryan and I an extra hour of sleep. I have no idea why she wakes up so early, we don't put her to bed until almost 8...and she usually doesn't fall asleep until 8:30 or later! I wonder if she'll still be an early riser when she's a teen-ager?

Looking forward to the end of winter and wishing we could peek out our window and see beautiful green grass instead of dirty brown snow!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Paige is in a great ECFE class this year, it's called "kindergarten tool box". It's not for kids in kindergarten...but geared from ages birth to 5. They are doing lots of great little lessons and every week the teacher sends the kids home with a little homework. This was Paige's project for the week, they sent home a glue stick with little pieces of paper to glue to a large white paper. Last week they sent home clay and shapes on paper to roll out and make shapes with clay. It's always cute little projects and Paige gets excited about doing her homework. Lets hope that lasts until high school!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Tracy

Happy Birthday to Tracy (and Grandma)! We all got together for a yummy brunch at Original Pancake House...the food was yummy and the company was great! I forgot how great their food is, Ryan and I would go there every once in a while back when we lived in Maple Grove. We both love the Dutch Babies...YUM!

Happy Birthday Tracy!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Will winter ever end???


Paige had a hard day of listening yesterday. I guess she was showing her true independence and pushing mom's buttons whenever possible. Ryan called in the afternoon and I told him about her day, he said he wanted to talk to her. As they were talking on the phone I overheard her say "Dad, I'll try to listen to mom...but it's not going to be easy". She cracks me up...where does she come up with this stuff?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

LONG winter...

This has been the longest winter in ages! It's cold, cloudy and all around yucky...we really want spring to arrive! In the mean time we've just been hanging out inside, this is one of Paige's favorite outfits while playing downstairs. She wears a sweatshirt because she's cold and a skirt so she can put on a show. Her imagination has really come alive in the last couple weeks.

Her two favorite things to play (in her words) are "stroller" and "school bus". I hear this phrase about 20 times a day "mom, play stroller with me"...she's so funny.

She lines up the chairs and insists that I sit in front and drive the bus. She tells all the "children" to put on their seat belts and sings songs at the top of her lungs!

Winters are long, but spending my days with a cute face like this makes them a little easier!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


We went to the circus on Saturday, what an adventure for Paige. She had a ball and was thrilled that they had pony rides! Of course her Daddy let her go on twice and the line was crazy long...but totally worth it, she was in heaven!
There were so many new things for her to see, she'd never seen a clown before! She thought they were funny, but kept her distance. I don't blame her I guess. There were tigers, elephants, and stunts of all kinds! They had motocross riders that did tons of tricks, that was her favorite part...but she did complain about how loud they were.
We were lucky enough to go with her cousins and kids loved it...the parents had fun too!