Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I'm sure everyone is feeling a little stir-crazy, the fact that we haven't seen the sun (minus yesterday) for what feels like weeks and weeks doesn't help.

Trying to entertain a toddler and find things to do is getting tough. Looking forward to sunshine and warmth some day soon. I feel like if I keep saying it, that it will happen!

Paige grows more and more verbal every day. She's so funny and her wit amazes me! One downfall the last couple days has been early wake ups, she's decided that 4:20am seems like a good time to start her day. That's way to early for anyone, let alone a 2 year old! Today was a little better, she got up at 5:45 and allowed Ryan and I an extra hour of sleep. I have no idea why she wakes up so early, we don't put her to bed until almost 8...and she usually doesn't fall asleep until 8:30 or later! I wonder if she'll still be an early riser when she's a teen-ager?

Looking forward to the end of winter and wishing we could peek out our window and see beautiful green grass instead of dirty brown snow!

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