Saturday, June 29, 2013

Big sis in training....

Big sister in training....
Paige with my friend Janelle's little boy, Jordan.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sprinkler Fun!

Wow, this little girl has changed since last summer. She wouldn't get close to the sprinkler before, last night after a date to Panera we put the sprinkler on and she had a blast! I love watching her have so much fun!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Paige went to visit her cousin Sam's cute bunnies today! The second we pulled in their drive way she was saying "where are the bunnies". Sammy was so sweet, she quickly went outside and brought the bunnies in so that Paige could pet them and hold them. They sat on the floor in the kitchen and Paige loved it, then wanted to move on to seeing Sam's fish! The bunnies stayed nestled in their box while the girls went off to do something else. Paige came back with adorable sparkly blue toenails! Sam has always been great at giving pedicures! Thanks so much for sharing your cute bunnies!

P.s. I asked Paige what her favorite part was and this is what she said: "I loved holding the bunnies with Sam and eating Chris's sugar bread". Chris made some yummy cinnamon rolls and in Paige's mind it was sugar cute!

35 Months Old!

In one month we will have a three year old! How did that happen?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Up North with Old Friends!

We had a great road trip to "Pengilly", near Hibbing on Monday. Sara and her family were in town from Arizona at her parents place up north. Ryan took the day off and we made a long day of it. We got up early, packed up and spent the day with the Emerson's! Paige and Rylan had fun playing together on the Kabota (fancy 4-wheeler) and Paige LOVED everything about baby Ella. Sara and I laughed as we didn't get much of a chance for major conversation but it was great for us to watch our families spend some time together. The weather was amazing, and we had a great day! I miss them already, we never really know when we'll see each other...but we always manage to physically see one another at least once a year. Thanks to the Emerson's for a wonderful day up north!

Paige and Rylan on a pretend date to DQ, they both loved the Kabota!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Alice's Soccer Game!

Way to go Alice! It was a HOT night for soccer, she did a great job and scored 2 goals! So much fun to watch her and her team work together. Here she is with two of her biggest fans!

And a more of her cheering section!

Baby Bumps...

Two friends, two baby much bigger than the other!

Good luck Janelle, can't wait to meet your little boy!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day Dad!

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful Dad! I feel so blessed to have such a great Dad, he's an amazing man who always makes time for his family! Even at age 34 I still need him to take care of me sometimes...and he does! I love you Dad, thanks for being so great!

Happy Father's Day Ryan!

Paige is one lucky girl! Ryan is such a great dad, he spoils her, teaches her, plays with her, eats ice cream cones with her and loves her with his whole heart! Happy Father's Day to an amazing Daddy!

Planting Party

Nana and Grandpa had a planting party yesterday, the boys helped plant and the girls (and kids) played on their new driveway. Of course I forgot to take a picture of the final product but their landscaping looks great! Shelly and I took the kids into the big town of Onamia for a parade while the guys and Nana stayed back and planted. We waited and waited for the parade to start, let's just say it was nothing like the parades our city kids are used to...ha...ha...ha... There were about 20 kids on bikes from a local church and that was it. Eliot kept saying "are you teasing me, is it really over?". Luckily they had a few little events after the Parade, Paige did the face painting and Eliot got a mohawk and blue hair. Kenley just took it all in. It was a good adventure for us, the kids had fun. We even had time to celebrate all the June birthdays in the Carlson family!

 Waiting for the parade....
 Don't blink...but that was it...seriously :)!

 Looking at some turtles
 Making a wish in the fountain...and Paige digging her penny back out!
 Celebrating the June Birthday Crew!