Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Celebrating with cousins! It was a low key night of dinner and games/ watching the kiddos run around like crazy. They had fun and that's all that matters! So much to be thankful for this year. Most of all I'm so grateful that our family is complete and healthy, we are blessed!!!

Monday, December 30, 2013


Graham and Jordan meet for the first time! They are fast friends, I see lots of fun times together in the future AND lots of gray hairs they will cause for their mommies!

Jordan is six months old and Graham is six weeks old, it's hard to believe that in a few short months he'll be sitting up and doing all the "big boy" stuff that Jordan is doing. It's fun to get a glimpse into my future, and I'm sure I'll be amazed how quickly this will all happen. Janelle and I have been friends for years and it's great to know that our little boys will have a wonderful friendship too! Lots to look forward to! Paige was excited to get in on things too..she said Jordan was more fun than Graham but she wasn't to sure about him drooling on her toys! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Paige helped make cookies for Santa, it was fun to talk with her about the big guy in red while we added all the ingredients. Lots of questions and lots of requests to eat the cookie dough. We think he'll enjoy the yummy cookies and we even left a few carrots for Rudolf and crew. I love this time of year, it becomes more "magical" the older the kids get. It's fun to see the excitement in their eyes and Graham even smiled! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Sickness has taken over our house, I hate this time of year! Paige has had a high fever and very sore throat for the last couple days. It seems like she's feeling better today, but she's still complaining of pain in her throat. She ate some mac and cheese for lunch which makes me happy as she hasn't been eating or drinking much at all. She's been watching movies and relaxing in hopes of bouncing back soon...no such luck.
I encouraged her to make some bracelets this morning and she was happy to get off the couch and do a project. Trying to keep her away from her baby brother has been a task, she loves him so much and has cried several times because she can't hold or touch him due to being sick.
"This to shall pass"...I keep telling myself this when things get tough :).

Both kids are currently sleeping, it's heavenly!

 Watching the pheasants in the back yard
 Just because he's a cutie!
 Doing some crafts with her baby brother!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Fridge Art

Here is some of the latest "fridge art" we have on display. I love the gingerbread man, I asked Paige if she did that all by herself and she said "No, Mrs. Jerick did most of it". She cracks me up, but at least she tells the truth!
I love that girl!

Here's a cute picture of her brother...just because :).

One Month!

I can't believe it's already been a month since Graham was born! He fits in our family so well and I' so proud of Paige for all the love and sweetness she shows him. She has never been jealous or aggressive, if anything I have to remind her to give him a little space from her kisses :).

 I love the little spike of hair on his head, Paige had the same thing when she was a baby!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Uncle Pat!

Happy Birthday Uncle Pat! We are grateful for your as our uncle, even though you tease us :)! You're an amazing Uncle with a big heart and we know you'd do anything for these kids. It's cute to see how much they look up to you! On our way home tonight Paige asked if you were a giant, I laughed out loud and then realized that in her world you probably are a giant! I really cool giant! Happy Birthday, we love you!