Friday, January 31, 2014

11 Weeks Old

You can now add giggling to the list of things that Graham can's so cute!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Another "cold day"

The schools were closed again today due to extreme cold temps! This weather is becoming ridiculous! The good thing about todays day off was that Sammy came over and spent the day with us, Paige loved it! She didn't want Sam to leave, I think she asked 10 times if she could stay here forever :). Thanks for spending the day with us Sam!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Paige is 3 1/2 years old!

Today is Paige's half birthday! It's a LONG...COLD winter and we were looking for a reason to celebrate! Paige was excited to make a cake and frost it, we went to the grocery store and she picked out the "confetti" cake and blue frosting with sprinkles. She was a great helper and it turned out really yummy (or so I heard, I couldn't eat it because it had dairy). Here are a few pictures from her special celebration with Mommy, Daddy and her cute brother.

Friday, January 24, 2014

10 Weeks Old!

Our sweet boy is 10 weeks old today! The last 2 weeks have been so much better, being dairy free has made him a much happier little boy. I bought a swing off craigslist yesterday and am I ever glad I did...he loves it! I didn't have one with Paige because she didn't seem to like them. He's had 3 naps in the swing today and I haven't had to bounce on the exercise ball at all! That my friends is a big deal for this mommy!

Best Buds!

Kenley came over to play with Paige this morning and they had a great time! It's so much easier to keep them entertained when their together. I love that they have each other, they are best buds!

Monday, January 20, 2014


Ryan had the day off for MLK day, so we took advantage and went to Mall of America! It was fun, Paige and Ryan went on all the rides together. Graham stuck with me, it was a little fussy but ended up falling asleep and all went well. It felt good to get out of the cold weather funk and do something fun as a family. We look forward to taking both kids when their older, Paige will love showing Graham all the rides I'm sure. Fun was had by all and Mommy even got to pick out a couple cute things for Paige/Graham at her favorite store. The best part was that everything I got was 70% off, you know how I love a deal!!! 

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Paige had a fun night hanging out with her neighbor buddies...and the parents had fun catching up too!

This is what happens....

This is what happens when I go dairy free!  I start craving roasted sweet potatoes, carrots and onions at 10:00am! 

I do it all for this cute little guy, he makes it totally worth it! AND I can see a huge change in him, he's a much happier baby because of it! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

9 Weeks Old!

I forgot to post this yesterday!


Paige and Graham have one great daddy! 

He took Paige sledding with our neighbor and his daughter by 8am. Both girls were up early and wanting to play outside. Graham and I stayed home while they enjoyed some time on the snow hill with their sleds! I'm so glad he's around to take her outside, I know I could never do that with Graham.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2 months old!

This is what 2 months old looks like! Look at that smile and the cute spike of hair on top of his head, he melts my heart!!!

Mommy, sister, daddy, bouncing on the excersise ball, watching his sister dance and talking with everyone.

Trips to the mall, spending to much time in his car seat, anything that contains dairy :), and loud screaming from his sister.

We love you sweet are our favorite boy!

Monday, January 13, 2014


It warms my heart to see Graham in such a peaceful sleep. This hasn't always been the case, he's had a rough go at it for the last several weeks. Lots of crying, gas, and all around irritability. We've tried lots of things and the latest is going "dairy free". We found blood in his diaper on Thursday night, it scared me and after a visit to the doctor early friday morning I was feeling a little better. His pediatrician told me that this is most likely a Milk allergy. Since I am nursing I will have to go dairy free in order to help him. Anyone who knows me, knows I love milk, cheese and yogurt! This is going to be hard, but I know I can do it...especially if it will help him feel better. It's been 3+ days and I can say that I've seen a bit of an improvement. The doc said that it could take 7 days before it's all out of my system and his too. Looking forward to less crying and more happy moments. He's such a smiley and sweet little guy, it makes me sad that it was the milk that I was drinking that was making him so miserable. Stay tuned, hoping to show more happy sleepy baby pics in the future :).

Poor guy is using his sister's hand-me-down has a few pink patches, but he doesn't seem to mind :). He's manly enough to "wear" pink :)!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Warm Weather!

Finally, a beautiful day! What better way to spend it then to go to grandma and grandpas and play outside! Graham and I stayed inside with Grandma and Tracy while the kids and the dads/uncles went sledding and built snowmen. They had a great time and I'm hoping it will be cause for an early bedtime. Paige didn't want to leave and on the way home she kept saying that she wanted Alice to spend the night at our house. She adores her big cousins!