Monday, January 13, 2014


It warms my heart to see Graham in such a peaceful sleep. This hasn't always been the case, he's had a rough go at it for the last several weeks. Lots of crying, gas, and all around irritability. We've tried lots of things and the latest is going "dairy free". We found blood in his diaper on Thursday night, it scared me and after a visit to the doctor early friday morning I was feeling a little better. His pediatrician told me that this is most likely a Milk allergy. Since I am nursing I will have to go dairy free in order to help him. Anyone who knows me, knows I love milk, cheese and yogurt! This is going to be hard, but I know I can do it...especially if it will help him feel better. It's been 3+ days and I can say that I've seen a bit of an improvement. The doc said that it could take 7 days before it's all out of my system and his too. Looking forward to less crying and more happy moments. He's such a smiley and sweet little guy, it makes me sad that it was the milk that I was drinking that was making him so miserable. Stay tuned, hoping to show more happy sleepy baby pics in the future :).

Poor guy is using his sister's hand-me-down has a few pink patches, but he doesn't seem to mind :). He's manly enough to "wear" pink :)!

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