Monday, March 31, 2014


 Have we Met? 

This little piggy went to the market...this little piggy stayed home....

Big Boy!

And his cute big sis!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Big Girl Bike!

It was a beautiful day in MN today, that hasn't happened in months! Ryan and Paige took a little trip run some errands and came home with a new bike! It worked out perfect, her other bike was getting to small and it was the prefect afternoon to ride around the neighborhood (over and over). I'm so proud of her, she was nervous to try it...but she did a great job. It's taller than her other one and it brakes when you go in reverse, her other bike didn't have brakes so getting used to it is an adjustment. Here she is!

 Graham had fun outside, but seemed more entertained by his feet than his big sister's new bike!

Great Aunt Midge!

Graham got to meet his Great Auntie Midge today! It was great to see her, I haven't seen her since before I was pregnant with Graham...way to long! It was a great visit and Graham loved pulling her cute!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Updated Powder Room!

A huge thanks to my brothers for helping update our powder room. We are so grateful for them, they basically did everything as we sat around watching! THANK YOU SO MUCH, we love it! Now I need to go find some cute towels and a new picture!


Paige making sure that Uncle Mike was fully stocked with Diet Coke and licorice.

A new Vanity, faucet and new paint color (gray).

19 Weeks Old

19 Weeks Old!
It's becoming harder and harder to take his picture! He either wants to slide down and off the chair, chew on his bear or sit up and avoid the camera at all costs! I love this kid!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Winter Coat

This winter coat has been passed down to many people and now it's Paige's turn! It was mine when I was a little girl and has been passed to most of the girl cousins. There's a lot of history in this coat:)!

The Little Mermaid!

Grandma and I took Paige to her first play this weekend. It was "The Little Mermaid" and she loved it! The Anoka Children's Theater put on the production and did a really good job, I was impressed and had no idea that such young kids could do such an amazing job! We met Shelly and Kenley and listening to them during the play was priceless! Paige loved it, she was totally involved...and worried that it was over at every scene change. I loved sharing this with her, it was amazing to watch the "wonder" in her eyes and see her face light up when she saw the different characters. I could totally see her in a play like this when she's older, who knows! The date was topped off by a trip to Dairy Queen for a cone, thanks to Grandma for coming with us...we loved having you along!
I have more pictures in my phone...I just need to get them transferred to my computer.

 Showing off her Ariel shirt before the play!

Friday, March 21, 2014

4 Month Stats

Graham had his 4 month appointment today and was a trooper, he got 3 shots and only cried for a couple minutes! He hasn't seemed phased by them since, what a tough guy!

Height: 2'3" = 98.05%
Weight: 14lbs 12oz = 29.84%
Head 43.8cm = 95.13%

To sum it up, so he's tall and slim with a big brain and we couldn't love him more! He grow over 3 inches in length in less then 2 months, that's amazing to me!!!

We're still trying to figure out his tummy troubles. It had been over 3 full weeks on formula with zero blood in his diaper...until Monday. I started giving him 6 oz bottles because I could tell he was still hungry after only 4oz. It seems that his tummy can't handle the 6 oz bottles of regular formula. Soooo, now we're trying to transfer him back to the dairy free formula. This is the formula he refused to eat about a month ago, but so far so good. I've mixed one scoop of regular formula and one scoop of dairy free formula to ease the transition. He's been great, taking the bottles like a champ!

We have an appointment set up at Children's at the end of April with a pediatric GI specialist. I'm hopeful that the dairy free formula will do the trick and that we'll be able to cancel that appointment. His doctor just wants to make sure we are not missing something, she's baffled by his tummy troubles!

18 Weeks Old!

 Turning into such a big boy! No longer lets me lean him back on the chair...he wants to sit up by himself! He's rolling over like crazy and waking himself up hourly at night (not so fun). 
He's full of love for his teddybear! Lots of kisses...wet, sloppy kisses! I love him!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Our first family vacation!

We had our first family vacation as a family of 4 on friday! We went to Brainerd to visit Great Granny and spent the night at a hotel with a water park. It ended up great, Paige and Graham both did a great job! Of course Graham didn't swim, but Paige had a blast! Ryan and I took turns with each was fun to see her branch out and do stuff that she wouldn't normally do. She went down the slides, did the lazy river, got sprayed by the splash pad and went in the big pool. In the past she would have never done the slide or wanted to get wet with water spraying on her...but she's growing up and loved it! It was a good mini-vacation and we all had fun!
Getting ready to head down to the pool!
 Paige was trying to convince Graham to sleep in bed with her...meanwhile Ryan was trying to convince Paige to sleep in bed with him! 
 Having a little snack.
This little guy found his way into my bed, I guess he wanted to snuggle mommy since his daddy was snuggling with Paige. 

 Visiting Great Granny! Paige loves the statue of this little girl jumping rope, she always hugs her and talks to her when we visit. 
 Paige's new found freedom, walking the halls at Granny's "house". 

 Waterpark fun!

 This picture loaded in the wrong order, but it was on the way home...she had so much fun and crashed out on the way home. Luckily Graham did too, but his carseat faces the back so I couldn't get a picture of his cute little sleeping face! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Graham tried out the excersaucer yesterday and he really like his new found freedom. Granted, mom was right there in case his neck got tired but he loved it. His eyes were so big (as you can see in the pictures) and he was amazed by all the trinkets he could touch and play with. He truly is growing up so fast!!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Who's that cute baby in the mirror?

Who's that cute baby in the mirror? And that cute big sister....

I'm not sure who liked it more, Graham or Paige?

Warmer weather!

We FINALLY have warmer weather! To celebrate we went and played outside at Grandma and Grandpa's with our cousins and Uncles.
Graham had his first real experience with fresh air. Seriously,  he has never been outside for more than a few minutes between the house and the car...or the car and preschool...or the car and Target. He seemed to enjoy it, he was asleep within 3 minutes and didn't make a peep. Fresh air does a body good for little ones and mommies too!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The bald spot, reading and drool...

This bald spot makes me laugh. He loves to rub his head back and forth in his crib at night...the bald spot is getting bigger by the day! I couldn't resist.

He's just catching up on a little light reading....

Oh, and the drool...don't forget the drool....

And last but not least, his biggest cheerleader! She's always there encouraging him during tummy time...this time Spider Man was a big help too!