Sunday, April 6, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Grandma and Tracy! We had a fun celebration last night, it was the prefect night in. We grilled and made a bunch of yummy food followed by gifts and was great! There were a few other shenanigans as you can tell by the pictures below. Happy Birthday Mom and Tracy...we love you!

 Uncle Pat wearing the new earrings that Tracy got. Uncle Mike told Andy and Graham they were never allowed to get their ears pierced! Doesn't he look pretty though!

 Grandma thought she could cure Ryan's allergies by giving him an eye patch! 
 We have no idea what's going on here with Pat and Ryan...but I will save it for a future blackmail moment! 

Graham and Uncle Mike were to tired for the craziness above, they put up with this stuff all night...

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