Friday, May 30, 2014

Big Boy!

Look at this little guy, he's growing up so fast! He's doing a great job sitting by himself, I still put a couple pillows next to him just in case he falls. He loves sitting up and playing and really loves playing "catch" with his sister. They roll the ball back and forth to each's so cute!

28 Weeks Old

Look at this wild guy, he's still drooling up a storm and doesn't want to sit still. He keeps me on my toes!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What a difference!

As I put Graham in these PJ's last night I remembered back to dressing Paige in them not all that long ago. They are size 12month and they fit him great. I looked back at my pictures and found this one of Paige wearing them right before her first birthday! He's 6 1/2 months and already fitting into them! His legs are so long, I'm glad I saved this footless option...they are perfect for him! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Graham's Baptism

Thanks to all of our family for coming out and celebrating Graham's baptism! He is so lucky to have amazing Godparents and a wonderful and supportive faith filled family! We love you precious boy!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Paige's preschool Program

What a fun little program, I'm so proud of our girl! In the front row with no fear, singing her heart out and making us proud (and tear up a bit). I love this girl, she has grown up much.

Paige's program at "Lord of Life" preschool.

Paige and her "book buddy", Sydney. Sydney graduated today and is going to kindergarten next year! 

Paige with her teachers!
Paige and her friend Harper! 


Today was the end of the year program for Paige's preschool. 

Here's a glimpse of how much our sweet girl has grown up in the last 9's unreal!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Soccer Fans!

Paige's Fan club for the night!

Stable Day at Bunker Hills

Graham had his first hayride today, he loved it so much that he fell asleep! Paige had a blast riding the ponies, brushing the ponies, taking a barn tour and going on the hay ride. The weather was amazing, sunny, warm and much needed! We are looking forward to a warmer week!

Graham 26 Weeks

This is what 26 weeks old looks like...

When your bear falls on the ground! I honestly could not get a shot of him sitting next to his bear, all he wanted to do was chew on it. He's GOT to be teething!

Look at all that drool!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

6 Months!

Six months ago today this sweet little guy entered the world! Our days have been brighter ever since, you are a total day brightener and your smile can light up a room!
You're a drooling machine, I have to believe that some teeth will be showing up soon.
Your favorite thing is by far your sister, you practically turn inside out when she makes you laugh. She can make you happy at even your crabbiest moments, I'm so glad you two have each other! You love to chew on everything possible, you love music and you LOVE to pull mommy's hair (ouch!). You've tolerated rice cereal so well that the dr said you can have fruits and veggies now. I'm going to pick up some "puffs" for you too...can't wait to see your reaction to that texture. You're working so hard on sitting up and you're rolling ALL OVER THE PLACE!

Height: 28 Inches (94%)
Weight: 16lb 15oz (38%)
Head: 18.25 (99%)

We love your gummy grin and your sweet spirit! Happy 1/2 birthday buddy!