Thursday, May 15, 2014

6 Months!

Six months ago today this sweet little guy entered the world! Our days have been brighter ever since, you are a total day brightener and your smile can light up a room!
You're a drooling machine, I have to believe that some teeth will be showing up soon.
Your favorite thing is by far your sister, you practically turn inside out when she makes you laugh. She can make you happy at even your crabbiest moments, I'm so glad you two have each other! You love to chew on everything possible, you love music and you LOVE to pull mommy's hair (ouch!). You've tolerated rice cereal so well that the dr said you can have fruits and veggies now. I'm going to pick up some "puffs" for you too...can't wait to see your reaction to that texture. You're working so hard on sitting up and you're rolling ALL OVER THE PLACE!

Height: 28 Inches (94%)
Weight: 16lb 15oz (38%)
Head: 18.25 (99%)

We love your gummy grin and your sweet spirit! Happy 1/2 birthday buddy!

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