Friday, June 27, 2014

Oh Sister...or brother...

This is what his sister does to amuse herself...he actually liked it and looked very cute!

32 Weeks Old

This is as good as it gets...way to busy for pictures!

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Here's my little Vacation Bible School Super Hero! She's have a great time. She cried for a minute yesterday but didn't want to go home when I picked her up. She's so unpredictable sometimes! Either way, she's having fun "flying" around the house in her super hero painted mask and cross necklace.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Growing up to fast!

This little guy is growing up to fast! I seriously can't believe how much he's changing on a daily basis! He loves to eat his baby food and his puffs. He's been taking bottles much better, there was a while where he wouldn't hardly eat unless he had complete silence around him and sometimes that wasn't enough. I have a feeling he's going through some type of growth spurt, he's been eating more frequently and his naps have been fewer. I know his teeth are coming, I keep saying "maybe they'll show up tomorrow". Every morning when we go get him Paige says she wants to check his mouth for teeth. He truly is such a happy and good baby. He has become VERY BUSY, it's going to be interesting to keep up with him! Paige loves him, she's an amazing big sister. She's always keeping her eye on him and is a little mommy, worrying about all the things he's getting into these days. They had their first official fight over toys today. It was a red Lego car, Paige had been playing with it earlier today then Graham found it this afternoon. Paige took it away and Graham cried like crazy...this is all new territory for me. Who knew a 7 month old could be so sure about the toy he wanted to play with?!? I love this little guy AND his big sister, I'm grateful that God chose us to be their parents!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


This is what summer is all about...


We only have a couple weeks left of soccer, it's been fun to watch Paige play. She's not the most aggressive player but last week she make contact with the ball several times! She's hoping for a goal next week and asked if she can have a Starburst candy if she does. She's motivated by candy, she takes after her momma! Our neighbor Ava is on the team and it cracks me up to see them together. They are usually hugging or holding hands until the whistle blows. It's great to see them have such a good little friendship!

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to Ryan, he's an amazing daddy! Our kids are so lucky and blessed to have a daddy full of love and support! It's also great that he's a kid at heart, he loves playing with them and they love playing with him!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

30 Weeks Old!

Look who's 7 months old today! Sitting up, crawling and getting into all of his sister's toys! Life just keeps getting busier around here! I wouldn't change it for the world!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Play time...

I love watching the early morning play time between these two. I bought a couple "boy" type toys at a garage sale and Paige has loved playing with Graham. Most of them are for when he's older but he's been crawling after Paige trying to get his hands on them. He has his mind made up that he's going to get them, if she moves across the room or holds the toy up so he can't get it he cries and screams! How does he know how to do that already? It's pretty cute and it's going to get interesting when the fighting starts over toys...but for now I can say it's cute.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Happy Birthday to our favorite guy! You are such an amazing daddy and husband...I can't imagine life without you!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I've been waiting for Graham's teeth to pop trough for a while now, he chews on everything and drools like crazy. We're still waiting...stay tuned!

mmmm...can't wait to chew on that seahorse!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

We have a crawler!

We have a crawler! It's the army crawl, and our little boy is on the move! Paige was 8.5 months before she started crawling, he's got a jump start on her! Times are changing and we're all being a lot more careful about what we leave laying around. Paige found out the hard way when her Barbie ended up with soaking wet hair from our couches are full of her toys because she doesn't want Graham to put them in his mouth. I just can't get over how quickly he's growing up! He's such a sweet little boy, I could kiss his cheeks all day!
For some reason my computer won't let me load the video so you'll just have to trust me, he's on the move!