Sunday, November 30, 2014

1 Year Stats

Well, Graham made it...4 shots and all. He had his one year check-up and has continued to be a healthy boy!
Weight - 22.14 lbs = 69%
Height - 2'8" = 98%
Headsize - 19.45" = 99.37%

We're still working on getting rid of bottles and drinking whole milk. We're not completely convinced that his sensitivity to milk has gone. So, we're taking things slow...he had a break out around his mouth, trunk and under arms last week. All in all, he's a healthy boy and we are beyond lucky!

Even with 4 shots he hardly cried and they didn't seem to bother him at all. He's a tough guy!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Play time...

I love that these two are finding more and more time to play together! It's fun to see them sit side by side and share toys...I know this won't last forever so I had to document it! Love these two!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Keeping busy...

I  forgot what it's like to be inside all day...the cold weather is keeping us in. I miss our morning walks, eating lunch outside, watching Paige ride her bike and watching Graham explore his little slide. For now we're just painting, practicing letters, coloring, putting puzzles together and all that good inside stuff.
Plus, Paige likes dressing her brother up in headbands - poor kid!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Winter Project

Paige and I made a new hooded bath towel the other day. I've been trying to find projects that are easy and we can work on together. She had fun helping me with the sewing machine, I love teaching her stuff like this...some day she'll be sewing something for me! It turned out cute :)!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Happy Birthday Graham!

It happened, our baby boy turned one year old! Where did the time go, honestly it goes so quick...everyone was right! People always tell you that time flies and the older I get, the more I agree.
Graham had a great day, spoiled and loved by everyone! He is one lucky little man, so much fun to watch him and celebrate his big day! We love you buddy boy!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

One Year Ago...

One year ago I was anxiously awaiting to meet my little man! I was huge, uncomfortable and ready to hold our sweet boy in my arms.
I had no idea how much I could love another child, it was love at first sight! He was perfect, 10 fingers and 10 toes and a chubby little bundle of sweetness! I CAN'T believe he's already going to be a year old on Saturday. He's walking (and running sometimes), trying to talk, holding up his little pointer finger to show you that he's "1", he LOVES playing with his sister and I love to see them play together! He's can't get enough of his mommy's hair and hugs me with the biggest squeeze. He has 5 teeth and about 5 more are currently coming in, that means lots of sleepless nights and false alarms for ear infections.
He is a gift and I'm in love...waiting for your cowboy birthday party!!!


Nothing like easing into winter. One day it was fall and the next day we got nearly 12 inches of snow. At least Paige was excited about it!

The fun....

The fun never ends! Who needs toys when you can make forts and use the Sunday ads from Grandma! Fun for mom to look through and fun for the kids to rip up and play with!