Friday, August 7, 2015

Paige turns 5!

Paige is 5 years old! Everyone told me time would fly! 
They were right, time does fly...I also heard "the days are long but the years are short" often and that makes total sense now. In the midst of it all, there were some LONG days but looking back I wish I could rewind and hug a little longer and snuggle a little more. The thought of her going off to kindergarten this year is almost unreal, Graham and I are going to miss her like crazy during the day! It's going to be a major adjustment to our little routine and rhythm. Ryan and I are so proud of the little girl she is becoming, she's creative, smart and funny! She has the kindest heart and is an amazing friend and big sister. I can't wait to see how her first year of school unfolds, we love you Paige! 

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