Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Here we are, it's finally time! Paige is BEYOND excited, she was up early and ready to take on the world. My emotions were whirling but I held it together. We had monkey-bread to celebrate her big day.
Paige is riding the bus with new friends this year, but her friend Ava walked down to the bus stop with us. They are such great buddies.
She was brave and excited up until she had to climb the bus stairs. Then, the tears came...luckily she kept walking up the stairs and found a seat. With tears in her eyes she waved out the window to Ryan and I...we both melted. I cried most of the day off and on, worrying and wondering how she was. Letting go is so hard, having no idea what she's up to is a big adjustment. Graham really misses his big sister and so do I! I'm looking forward some new adventures with Graham, our new "normal" is going to be different and fun!
We picked Paige up from school and she was all smiles, she said her favorite part of the day was the bus ride! She can't wait to go heart is happy and full.

We all put matching hearts on our hands so that we'd all be able to look at them if we missed each other. Paige told us that she didn't miss us...I guess it just helped Ryan and me :).

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