Thursday, December 30, 2010

Because I never want to forget...

Because I never want to forget how totally adorable you are when you suck your pointer finger (although when I got you up from nap today you were sucking your thumb).  I took a picture of you sleeping other day just so I'll never forget your tiny little finger and how it soothes you.

Because I never want to forget all the scratches on your little legs.  You're trying so hard to play with your feet and when you can, you pull your pant legs up and scratch your poor chubby little legs.  You never cry about it, and those little nails of yours are sharp!

Because I never want to forget when you're playing with you're toys you get distracted by playing with your feet, I guess feet are more fun than toys sometimes.

Because I never want to forget that DADDY is the one to cut your nails, you sit on his lap like such a big girl while he manicures your little nails.  You sit very still and it seems like you're trying to figure out what he's doing, I'll try to get a picture next time.

Because I never want to forget how cute you look in your highchair, you're sitting up so big now and reaching for everything.  You eat dinner with daddy and me, but you're usually to busy with your toys to even notice us. You're new favorite toy is the laptop that Nana and Grandpa gave you for Christmas (notice her hand is already on the mouse).

Because I never want to forget how much you love blowing (spitting) bubbles, it's a big mess but you look so cute.  You often wait for me to blow bubbles back at you and we go back and're usually soaking wet, but you love it.

Because I never want to forget that you're working really hard at sitting up by yourself.  We still have a ways to go, but you're boppy has been a huge help.  You seem to have better balance if you're holding something, it sort of takes your mind off the balancing act.

Because I never want to forget how much you enjoy outings to Costco, you LOVE all the lights and you're exhausted by the time we leave.  It's so fun to be able to go out with you, although it would be way more fun if it wasn't so cold!

Because I never want to forget how much you love books, you love to cuddle when we read to you and Sandra Boynton seems to be your favorite author (if it's possible for a 5 month old to have a favorite).

Because I never want to forget that when you were born you didn't have eyelashes...but look at you now!

Because I never want to forget that you're still waking up several times at night, I usually let you cry it out unless I think you're really hungry.  I must admit that I still love nursing you and holding your sweet little body next to mine at night.  Even at 3am, I still marvel at your beautiful little hands...nose...eyes as you sleep in my arms, I truly NEVER want to forget that!!!

Because I never want to forget that at 5 months you are still spitting up after EVERY feeding.  I'm hoping that once you start eating food that will help, you don't mind spit ups...but I usually have to change my clothes every day before work.  Thank goodness you're on Zantac, it doesn't help the frequency of spit-ups...but it takes the pain away.  

You are such a gift, and we're forever grateful that God chose us as your parents.  We are so proud of you, the fact that you're growing and changing so fast is amazing.  I know If I didn't write these things down or document them with pictures that I'd forget...WE LOVE YOU PAIGE!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Player Piano

Grandpa played the piano for her on Christmas, it was her fist time and she was pretty serious about it.  I think she was trying to fingure out why Grandpa was using his feet and not his fingers!  I remember my grandma playing this for me when I was a little girl.  One of our favorite songs growing up was "The Irish Wash Woman" and grandpa didn't miss a beat :).  I think Grandpa's back is suffering from all the legwork, it's a major leg workout!  Thanks Grandpa!

And of course grandpa had to play a little Beach Boys too...the girls loved it!

Family Christmas

As you can tell, Paige is VERY loved by her entire family!  We are grateful to be able to spend so much time together, Paige is one lucky girl!

Merry Christmas!

What a wonderful 1st Christmas with Paige!  She had a great Christmas and was spoiled by ALL her loved ones!  She got lots of new toys and she especially loves all the new books, she loves to listen and help turn the pages.  We were able to spend time with both sides of the family and Paige did an amazing job, it's fun to see her enjoy her time with everyone.  The last 2 weeks have brought change, lots of happy times and minimal crying...she's not scared of people anymore and her pointer finger continues to be her #1 favorite soother!  Here are a couple pictures from Christmas morning at home, she loved the wrapping paper!

5 Months Old!

I honestly can't believe that she's 5 months old already!  Where did the time go?

This is how our big 5 month old sounds when she plays! Note the little hair that stands straight up :)! We LOVE you Paige!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bedtime Update

I'm thrilled to report that Paige has learned to embrace bedtime.  I can't believe how much things have changed in just a couple short weeks, she used to cry for upwards of 45 minutes when we put her to bed....but now she hardly cries at all!  We need to give a big thanks to her pointer finger for soothing her to sleep every night :)!  Like clockwork, when it gets close to bedtime that little pointer finger makes it's way into her tiny little mouth and she can hardly keep her eyes open.  She even let me rock her to sleep the other night, (which NEVER happens) it was a special time for us and I loved every minute of it! 

Smile & Glow Worm

I love that smile!

Great Auntie Midge and Don gave Paige this cute "glow worm" and she loves it!  It has some little fins that make crunchy noises, plus it's tummy lights up and plays music...I have a feeling that she'll take it to bed when she's older!

Lunch with Lisa

Paige and I met my friend Lisa for lunch today, it was great to see her!  Ever since her visit to the hospital when Paige was first born, Paige has loved Lisa.  There's something special about her that makes Paige perk up when she's fussy or smile whenever Lisa is around.  Today was no exception, she was all smiles for her buddy Lisa!

Monday, December 20, 2010

21 Weeks


I'm feeling very blessed tonight.  We have a healthy precious girl who has learned to love snuggling with her mommy and daddy.  Finding her finger has been such a soothing and calming thing for her, it's so cute because when she gets tired the finger goes right in her mouth.  Another GREAT thing is that she's been able to fall asleep at night without such long screaming sessions!  We put her pack n' play back up because she was rolling over so hard that she was cracking her little head on the rails.  So for now, we have her in the pack n' play until she masters rolling from her tummy to her back. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Family Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with our extended family yesterday.  Fun was had by all and Paige got to sit on Santa's lap again!  Santa was very funny, trying to convince all the kids to ask for a chicken...kitty...puppy...or any other animal that most parents wouldn't want around.  Paige had fun with her cousins and got to meet her cousin Brian from Las Vegas.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Just Because...

Just's so darn cute!

Finger Sucker

It's official, we have a finger sucker on our hands!  It's adorable (I'm sure I won't be saying that in a couple years) and I'm thrilled that she's found a way to sooth herself.  The funny thing is that I used to suck the same exact finger when I was little!

Teddy Bear

I love this picture, my friend Mandy gave Paige this cute little teddy bear and she loves it.  She's a lover of stuffed animals, I'm sure her bedroom will be full of them in years to come.  Paige had a fun time snuggling up to Mandy, now we just need to get Paige and Mandy's little boy James together to play!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Bedtime has still been a struggle for Paige (and her parents).  She usually fusses for a few minutes at nap time but then falls asleep....bedtime is usually a half an hour ordeal.  It's so hard to listen to her cry, knowing that she's spit up right where she lays her head...then knowing I can't go move her becuase she'll cry even harder.  It's stressful to me and I usually end up pretty crabby around Paige's bedtime too.  Ry's good about reminding me that she's fine, but I usually find myself glued to the moniter watching her every move.  I pray that one day soon it won't be this hard, she's a stubburn cookie. 

Momma's Face

Paige has a new found love of sucking on my cheeks and chin.  Any chance she can get, she grabs my hair and pulls me close...I giggle like crazy while she attacks me.  I end up with drool all over my face, and it's pretty funny.  Ry gets a kick out of it...hence the pictures.  Thanks for all the soaking wet kisses Paige :)!

Tired Baby...

I must say that Paige is growing to like her carseat!  She used to cry the entire time and now she usually looks around and often falls asleep with minimal crying.  I had to include this picture, I think she looks so cute...notice she still has her hand on the toy.  I'm enjoying our car rides much more too!

20 Weeks

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Blizzard!

It's a snowstorm in MN today, Ryan was out at 9am to plow us out and soon he'll have to go out again for another round! 

Paige must have known that it was a cold and snowy day, she slept in until 8:15!  What a blessing for mommy and daddy, I haven't slept that late in months!  Of course she was up a few times last night, but the later wake up was great!  Since we're snowbound we're all hanging out together and snuggling...and we're all in our PJ's!

We are so blessed to have a nice warm house, I can't imagine spending my day any other way!!