Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our week...

Ryan was in Texas from Monday morning until Wednesday night, we missed him and I know he missed Paige like crazy.  He was so happy to get home from work tonight so he could play with her, he hasn't put her down since...he's a great daddy.

We've had a rough week at bedtime, now that she's rolling to her tummy she has a hard time falling asleep.  There has been a ton of loud crying followed by a pool of boogies, drool and spit-up where she rests her sweet head, it's been very hard on mommy.  She seems to sleep better on her tummy but it's just hard for her to fall asleep...she is one stubborn cookie.

Paige and I went on an adventure to the mall today.  I didn't hear a peep from her at all, not in the car...not at the mall and she fell asleep on the way home, it was a huge success!  She was so cute, her wide eyes checked out all the lights, colors and people.  I wonder what her view was like from her stroller, or what she thought of all of it.  All I know is that it was a great day and I was grinning ear to ear on the way home, I know she can do it and be totally content!

So happy that tomorrow is Friday...looking forward to the weekend!

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