Thursday, December 30, 2010

Because I never want to forget...

Because I never want to forget how totally adorable you are when you suck your pointer finger (although when I got you up from nap today you were sucking your thumb).  I took a picture of you sleeping other day just so I'll never forget your tiny little finger and how it soothes you.

Because I never want to forget all the scratches on your little legs.  You're trying so hard to play with your feet and when you can, you pull your pant legs up and scratch your poor chubby little legs.  You never cry about it, and those little nails of yours are sharp!

Because I never want to forget when you're playing with you're toys you get distracted by playing with your feet, I guess feet are more fun than toys sometimes.

Because I never want to forget that DADDY is the one to cut your nails, you sit on his lap like such a big girl while he manicures your little nails.  You sit very still and it seems like you're trying to figure out what he's doing, I'll try to get a picture next time.

Because I never want to forget how cute you look in your highchair, you're sitting up so big now and reaching for everything.  You eat dinner with daddy and me, but you're usually to busy with your toys to even notice us. You're new favorite toy is the laptop that Nana and Grandpa gave you for Christmas (notice her hand is already on the mouse).

Because I never want to forget how much you love blowing (spitting) bubbles, it's a big mess but you look so cute.  You often wait for me to blow bubbles back at you and we go back and're usually soaking wet, but you love it.

Because I never want to forget that you're working really hard at sitting up by yourself.  We still have a ways to go, but you're boppy has been a huge help.  You seem to have better balance if you're holding something, it sort of takes your mind off the balancing act.

Because I never want to forget how much you enjoy outings to Costco, you LOVE all the lights and you're exhausted by the time we leave.  It's so fun to be able to go out with you, although it would be way more fun if it wasn't so cold!

Because I never want to forget how much you love books, you love to cuddle when we read to you and Sandra Boynton seems to be your favorite author (if it's possible for a 5 month old to have a favorite).

Because I never want to forget that when you were born you didn't have eyelashes...but look at you now!

Because I never want to forget that you're still waking up several times at night, I usually let you cry it out unless I think you're really hungry.  I must admit that I still love nursing you and holding your sweet little body next to mine at night.  Even at 3am, I still marvel at your beautiful little hands...nose...eyes as you sleep in my arms, I truly NEVER want to forget that!!!

Because I never want to forget that at 5 months you are still spitting up after EVERY feeding.  I'm hoping that once you start eating food that will help, you don't mind spit ups...but I usually have to change my clothes every day before work.  Thank goodness you're on Zantac, it doesn't help the frequency of spit-ups...but it takes the pain away.  

You are such a gift, and we're forever grateful that God chose us as your parents.  We are so proud of you, the fact that you're growing and changing so fast is amazing.  I know If I didn't write these things down or document them with pictures that I'd forget...WE LOVE YOU PAIGE!

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