Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sign Language

We've been working with Paige on a few words of sign language.  She's able to do "more" and every once in a while she will sign "all done". Anyway, we finally got "more" on video...she's growing up way to fast!

9 Month Dr. Visit

Paige had her 9 month dr. visit today.  She's hitting all her milestones and we are going to start to introduce more finger foods.  Her nose is for sure a little yellow/orange and the dr. said that's a sign of a baby getting all her fruits and veggies :).

Weight: 18 lbs 11 oz (47.7%)
Height: 27 Inches Long (48.7%)
Head: 47cm (98%)

She had a shot and a finger prick today...both of which she was not happy about!

We feel blessed to have such a healthy baby girl!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bike Ride

Paige went on her first bike ride last night!  The weather was perfect and it felt so good to get outside - we all know how much I love to bike and I didn't bike at all last summer because I was pregnant!  She was pretty serious at first but then decided she loved it!  We biked to Eric and Shelly's so she was able to see Kenley and Eliot.  She rested her head on the side of the trailer on the way home, it was really cute.  I think she'll spend a good amount of time in the bike trailer this summer!

9 Months Old

Our sweet baby is 9 months old already!

Some of her favorite things are:
Smiling/laughing when you tell her "No"
The stairs
The fireplace
Her little phone
Climbing up on things
She loves to say "DaDa"
She loves to talk
She's learning to sign "More"
She really likes the big kids at daycare

An interesting fact is that her nose is turning yellow/orange.  You can really tell in pictures (I don't think it's that noticeable in person, but maybe I'm just used to it).  The dr. said it's the way the absorb their fruits and veggies, some babies have this reaction but it's normal and nothing to be worried about.

We love you Paige!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Today is Paige's first Easter!  We went to Grandma and Grandpa's for the annual egg hunt and Paige found 4 eggs :)!  She also found her Easter basket this morning, it was in one of her favorite spots so it wasn't hard to find.  She was in a great mood today and we're so proud of her, she's had a busy weekend but was full of smiles again today.  We're so glad her medicine is helping, you wouldn't even know she had an ear infection!

Great Granny's 95th Birthday

We went to Brainerd yesterday to help celebrate Great Granny's 95th birthday, it was so much fun to see all the people that showed up in her honor.  She's the sweetest Granny ever, she loves seeing all her great grandkids and she still sends each of them a card with a 1 dollar bill for every holiday...I think that's pretty special!  It's hard to believe she's 95, she's in such great shape and has a sharp mind...check out the pictures of all her favorite little people.  Happy Birthday Great Granny!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Your wonderful Mommy

Dear Paigey,

I'm writing to let you know how wonderful your Mommy is.

Mommy came home early on Tuesday to pick you up from daycare because you were sick. She's stayed home with you since then to help you get better. At night, she doesn't hesitate to wake up to care for you - feed or rock you - even though she is very tired. She has your video monitor right next to the bed to hear your every cry and make sure you're not in distress.

I've been gone the last couple of days in Houston, Texas traveling on business. Despite that, your Mommy is right there for you - steady and consistent.

Your mommy loves you very much. She's a wonderful woman and I lover her too. And I love you.

Da Da

Easter Eggs

Paige and I needed to get out of the house and since she was feeling a little better we went to Grandma's house.  We decided to dye Easter eggs, it was fun to see Paige's reaction...she was busy eating puffs but was happy to help every now and then. Uncle Pat showed up at the end, just in time for a photo!  Oh and she got into a little mischief at Grandma's house.


Paige is still fussy from her ear infection today, but better then yesterday so I'm hoping tomorrow will be the light at the end of the tunnel.  We've spent lots of time together so I thought I'd snap a picture of the good times, I made a little fort...the thought it was fun for about 2 minutes and was on to the next thing :).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ear Infection

We knew it was bound to happen, I just wish it would have happened on a week when Ryan was home.  Our poor little girl has her first ear infection.  Last night was miserable, she was up almost every hour and was a complete mess around 4am...we ended up sleeping the recliner together.  Her fussy behavior got worse and worse and I'm so glad I called and made an appointment right way this morning.  The doctor put her on antibiotics and gave her some numbing drops for her ears.  She was able to take a good nap this afternoon and then fell asleep at 6:30 tonight.  I'm saying some prayers that she'll sleep better tonight as we're both exhausted.  I know tomorrow will be better and I can't wait to have my happy girl back. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

36 Weeks Old

Here's our big crawling and clapping girl!


Paige learned how to clap over the weekend and is loving every minute of it.  She woke up this morning, sat up in her crib and started clapping...she's so funny.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Paige and Kenley

Paige and Kenley had fun playing together last night.  We need to work with Paige on sharing, she stole everything Kenley was playing!  Thank goodness Kenely is such and easy going girl, she didn't seem to mind but I'm sure that will change as they get older. They are both so cute, we love watching them together!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Because I never want to forget....

I love you Paige, and I can't wait to stay home with you!  You're the happiest in the morning, you lay in your bed and play like to wake up slow.  When I pick you up from your crib you hug my neck so tight...I LOVE IT!  You started crawling this week and it's adorable, you were so unsure at first but now you're doing a great job.  It's cute to watch your little knees shuffle and then your hands move forward, you're going to be into everything soon.  You love to play on mommy and daddy's bed, you roll, wrestle and you'll giggle like crazy (and I giggle too).  You still love to scratch everything, your poor little fingernails are always sharp and broken.  When it's sunny or bright you wrinkle up your nose and it's turned into a funny new smile.  You love your wagon and you look so little in it...yet you think you're such a big girl :).  You're back to twisting your wrist again, you haven't done this in about a month...but now you're doing it again.  You love your big red ball and you'll roll it back and forth with me, you're actually really good at catching it...daddy thinks you're going to be an athlete.  You're much better about naptime and bedtime now, it's not so stressful anymore.  Although you've started sitting up in bed now and you don't know how to lay back down, that means that daddy and I have to come up and help you lay down and go to bed.  You're beautiful, perfect, sweet, sassy and so much fun.  I love you and never want to forget how you are at this age, the moments pass so quick and I feel like if I don't write them down I'll forget.  You're my favorite girl and my best little buddy, I love you to pieces!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Look who's crawling...


Paige matches her book, the both have green polka-dots!  She loves this belly button book...actually she loves all the "Sandra Boynton" books.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More learning...

Here's a video showing how Paige can go from her tummy to sitting.  She does it all the time now, it's pretty cute and very amazing that she had no idea how to do it a week ago.

Learning to Crawl

Here's a video of our little Sweet P as she's learning to crawl!  I know it's the early stages, but I want to document it before she starts crawling all over the place.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Ryan put the wagon together that grandma and grandpa gave Paige and she LOVES it!  She usually hates the wind and won't go for a stroller ride if it's to windy, but she didn't mind the wind at all in her new wagon. My friend Janelle came over to visit and we went for a walk around the neighborhood it's always fun to hang out with her!  

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Earlier this week I was putting the burp cloth on Paige's head to see how long it would take for her to grab it and pull it off.  At first she just left it on, but once she realized that she could pull it off it became a fun game.  This game totally backfired on me when I put her hat on yesterday...she kept pulling it off.