Friday, April 15, 2011

Because I never want to forget....

I love you Paige, and I can't wait to stay home with you!  You're the happiest in the morning, you lay in your bed and play like to wake up slow.  When I pick you up from your crib you hug my neck so tight...I LOVE IT!  You started crawling this week and it's adorable, you were so unsure at first but now you're doing a great job.  It's cute to watch your little knees shuffle and then your hands move forward, you're going to be into everything soon.  You love to play on mommy and daddy's bed, you roll, wrestle and you'll giggle like crazy (and I giggle too).  You still love to scratch everything, your poor little fingernails are always sharp and broken.  When it's sunny or bright you wrinkle up your nose and it's turned into a funny new smile.  You love your wagon and you look so little in it...yet you think you're such a big girl :).  You're back to twisting your wrist again, you haven't done this in about a month...but now you're doing it again.  You love your big red ball and you'll roll it back and forth with me, you're actually really good at catching it...daddy thinks you're going to be an athlete.  You're much better about naptime and bedtime now, it's not so stressful anymore.  Although you've started sitting up in bed now and you don't know how to lay back down, that means that daddy and I have to come up and help you lay down and go to bed.  You're beautiful, perfect, sweet, sassy and so much fun.  I love you and never want to forget how you are at this age, the moments pass so quick and I feel like if I don't write them down I'll forget.  You're my favorite girl and my best little buddy, I love you to pieces!

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