Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Paige had so much fun with all the trick or treaters tonight, we had 110 kids come to the door.  We ended up running out of candy and shutting the lights off around 7:30.  We were able to see all of our friends from the neighborhood before the candy was gone. Ralphy (the neighbor dog) even came over to bring Paige some candy, it was very sweet of Donald to think of her :).  Next year is going to be a blast!

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!  Wishing that our little ladybug was feeling better, she still has a cough and is not acting like her happy self.  We're going to take her to trick or treat at our neighbors (probably only 4 houses).  I'm sure she'll get a kick out of seeing all the kids come to the door tonight.  I found this picture from last halloween, it's amazing how much can change in a year.  She's doubled in size and has turned from a baby to a toddler.  Just yesterday she started saying "thank you", it's adorable!  I'm so proud of our little girl and can't wait for her to shake this cold and start feeling better.  Pictures of the ladybug costume to come.


Saturday, October 29, 2011


Paige still has a cough and has added a runny nose to the list of symptoms.  Oh well, she's still in good spirits and it doesn't seem to get her down to much. She's really into reading books lately and she likes when I share the "little couch" with her.  I've been trying to push the fluids so I offered her a new cup for water and she loves it!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

15 Month Stats

Paige had her 15 month appointment with Dr. K today.  She was not happy about it, she started crying the second we walked in the room.  She has a nasty cough and temp so the dr. held off on her shots and we'll go back next week when Paige is feeling better.

Height: 2 ft./7.25 inches (76%)
Weight: 22lbs/ 8oz (45%)
Head: 48.3 cm (97%)

She is growing like a weed and we are so lucky to have such a healthy and sweet girl!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

15 Months Old!

Happy 15 Month Birthday! I love that you are always so serious when I take your picture, you have the cutest little smile!  Maybe next month you'll show it off.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Paige has started a new sweet way of hugging.  She'll come into the kitchen when I'm making meals or doing dishes and hug my legs....tight!  It's pretty sweet and helps making dish washing a little more worth while.  She also starting saying "help you" today, I usually ask "do you want mommy to help you".  She brought me a shape sorter and said "help you" earlier, I was so happy to hear it and she was very proud of herself.  We didn't have any deer this morning but that didn't stop Paige and I from going to the window every 10 minutes to check...there's always tomorrow.  Here are a couple cute shots of her this morning, she's starting to look more and more like a toddler every day!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


The deer are back again, and they are a huge source of entertainment for Paige.  After breakfast I put her down from her highchair and she walked over to the window and started yelling "deer".  She was right, there were 3 deer eating out of the bird feeder...this happens almost daily now.  The deer are not easily spooked, Paige will pound on the window and they just look at her and continue to eat.  Here's a little video.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Trunk or Treat

Paige put on her ladybug costume and did a little "trunk or treating" tonight.  My friend Dana's daycare had a an open house with treats, games and fun for kids.  Paige got a kick out of it, and Ryan is excited to eat her candy :).  It's amazing that I started taking care of Dana's girls when they were younger than Paige and now Kaylea is in high school (see pic below) how time flies!  Paige got a purple ball from one of the "trunks" and carried it the entire time, it was by far her favorite thing. Anyway, we had a lot of fun and it was a good way to start our long weekend!  Looking forward to a "family day" tomorrow, Ryan took the day off and we're going to get family pictures taken and then just hang out together.
Here are some pictures of our little ladybug!

 Dana's Daughter, Kaylea


Paige has become a huge fan of Elmo, she can even say his name!  Her cousin Eliot let Paige borrow his Elmo toy and she's been loving it!  It's funny to see her interact with him, she's been hugging and kissing him all afternoon (although she wouldn't do that for the video).  Thanks Eliot!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Paige took a little tumble today, she was on the second step and fell.  We both cried, it was sad...she was scared and I know it was painful for her.  The good news is that she didn't get hurt bad, the bad news is that rug burn hurts and leaves a pretty good mark.  She looks so sad but has been in good spirits all day.  I guess we probably won't be taking our family picture as planned on Friday, oh well.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Paige has a new cousin and his name is Jack!  Pat adopted a dog today, and after a long process and 10 hours in the car he was still smiling!  Jack is a really good dog and I can tell that Pat has a great connection with him.  It's fun to see how excited Pat is about Jack, he was smiling ear to ear when I saw him tonight.  Jack is one lucky dog, Pat is going to be a great dad for him! Welcome Jack!

Little Helper

Paige has taken a liking to helping me fold laundry in the last couple months.  She pulls clothes off the top of the pile and hands them to me, she's always so proud when I say "thank you".  It's amazing to watch her change and I feel myself bursting with pride over the smallest things.  We were playing the other day and I was trying to get to to say "baby" and she said "bebe"...I was so excited for her and her face light up!  She loves getting praise when she does something right, and I love seeing the reaction of pride on her face and in her body language.
I was looking at pictures last night and reflecting how on much life has changed since I decided to quit my job and stay home.  Paige and I have formed a bond like no other, it feels so good that I'm her "go to" person for everything.  Being a stay at home mom is great and I must say it's way more work than working outside the home (in my opinion anyway).  Being with Paige pays off much more than a paycheck and the bonuses with her are unreal.  Although some days are tough, I truly feel blessed to be able to spend my days with her.  I can't imagine what life was like before her, what did I do with all my time?  Her hugs melt my heart, her giggle can almost bring me to tears because it's so beautiful, the way her face lights up when I get her out of her crib in the morning makes it totally worth getting up at 5:45am and hearing her say "momma" is a true gift!  As you can tell I'm in love.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pop Toy

I went to a garage sale last night and found a couple new toys for Paige.  I figure I'll bring them out one at a time in the next week or so, I put this one out so she'd see it when she came downstairs this morning.  She was so excited and pointed it out right away, she walked over grabbed it and started "popping", it kept her busy for about 10 minutes straight!  I remember these from when I was little!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


We were playing in Paige's room yesterday and I came across a pair of hand-me-down slippers from her cousin Alice.  Paige thinks they're pretty cool, they're too big but she doesn't care.  She loves to take them on and off.  Her feet get really sweaty, I don't know how she can stand it!  She was wearing her slippers and one of my hats earlier today...what a goofy girl!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Eliot got Paige to crawl through the tunnel today, she's been afraid of tunnels like this up until today.  All it took was a little cheering from Eliot, he put a toy in the middle (a fake hard boiled egg of all things!) and Paige totally went for it.

I love taking pictures...

Ever since we bought our new camera I've been taking pictures like crazy.  I love it, and the pictures are so much better than a point-n-shoot camera.  I asked mom and dad to let me take some pics of them and they were kind enough to walk around the woods on a very hot afternoon.  I got a couple great pictures and really enjoyed learning a few things.  Thanks mom and dad!

Green Valley

Nana and Grandpa were in town this weekend and we all went to celebrate the beautiful fall weather.  We went to Green Valley Greenhouse for tons of fall activities.  The kids had lots of fun and I'm pretty sure the adults did too.  It was cute to watch the kids go through the maze and decorate their pumpkins.  The hayride was pretty bumpy, but Eliot said that was his favorite part.  The weather was awesome and it was the perfect day to play with Nana and Grandpa!