Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Because I never want to forget...

It's been way to long since I've had a post like this. There are so many things I never want to forget!

~You love snuggling with mommy in the morning (and so does mommy).
~Your hair is getting long and it curls up so pretty, it's so soft and I love to run my fingers through it.
~You like to sing and when you do it's so soft and sweet. It's a quiet, high-pitched adorable!
~You've been saying things like "be right back", "good night", "I did it", "I got it", "where are you", "love you".
~When we are at the grocery store you insist on holding my list up in front of my face until I look at it. You like when I tell you the next thing on the list and you look so proud when you're helping mommy.
~You love sitting on the big girl potty (you've only actually gone twice).
~You love yogurt!
~You like to burp, it makes you giggle...we don't encourage this (but it's pretty cute when you laugh).
~You like carrots.
~You're using your big girl cup, it makes drinking milk more fun.
~You love stickers, you are able to peel them off the paper by yourself and put then on your shirt.
~You giggle over the silliest things and your laugh is contagious!
~Your eyes are beautiful, everything about you is perfect to me.
~You love jumping on the couch, we've been taking the pillows off and using them as a slide.
~You love looking out the back window at all the birds. Your favorite bird is the cardinal, you can specifically point it out and tell us it's "red".

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

19 Months Old!

Great Granny

Both Carlson families decided to take a drive to Brainerd and see Great Granny! Granny was thrilled, and it was fun to see her so excited. We all at lunch at her senior living building and lots of her friends stopped by to visit. Kenley loved riding on Great Granny's walker and Paige didn't want anything to do with it...ha...ha..ha...
What a great afternoon and it was fun to see Granny with the little ones. They are very lucky to have such a special lady that loves them all so much. Not many people can say they have a great grandma and I'm proud that Paige can. We love you Granny!!

Daddy donated his shoe lace so that Paige could watch Elmo on the way home and mommy didn't have to hold the Ipad!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cookies Anyone?

Paige was my baking assistant this afternoon. We decided some chocolate chip cookies were a good idea, and Paige was a good helper with the spoons and measuring cups. It was her lucky day because mommy let her lick the cookie dough off the beaters! Her eyes light up after the first taste and she looked at me and said "HAPPY" in the cutest voice ever. She obviously loves cookie dough (just like her momma).

Waiting for cookies to bake....

The final product...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The cutest little cowgirl ever!

Paige still loves wearing her daddy's old cowboy boots. In fact she's refusing to take them off this afternoon! We've been having a country music dance party and she's been dancing like "daddy" for most of it...she loves to move her arms like Ryan does when he dances, it's really funny. Every couple minutes she'll zone out and suck her finger then start dancing crazy again.
I am the luckiest mom in the world...I love this girl!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blocks from Uncle Pat

THANK YOU Uncle Pat! Paige is loving her blocks, she's been stacking them up and knocking them over all morning. We've made bridges and houses and her baby has been napping in one of the houses! Uncle Pat made a bunch of blocks from recycled wood at his work, Paige is one lucky girl!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Maple Maze

Paige took her first trip to the "Maple Maze" in Maple Grove this morning. We didn't realize how busy it would be, but she had fun and mom and dad were beat! She was a bit overwhelmed as more and more kids arrived, she didn't like them intruding on "her" space. She was a little nervous to go down the slide but was a pro by the end and even went down on her tummy! We followed up the morning field trip with lunch at Noodles for a little mac & cheese, a great way to spend a saturday morning!

Happy Birthday Grandpa John!

We all got together to celebrate Grandpa's birthday last night! It was fun for all of us to be together, it's been a while since we were all under one roof. Paige always loves spending time with her cousins, they all colored pictures for Grandpa and Alice let Paige pick out all the crayons! Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Long Days...

For some reason the last couple days have seemed long, it could be the cold weather or the fact that Ryan is traveling again. The mornings have been good and seem to fly by but the afternoons have been dragging. Paige is at an age where she's very busy, she's such a good girl and rarely causes much trouble. That being said, she has learned to climb on the furniture and likes to run around like a crazy person on the couch, love seat and chair. She took a tumble off the chair the other day and I couldn't catch her in time...there were a lot of tears and I thought it might have been a good learning lesson. Within 2 minutes she was back up on the chair acting crazy. I feel like I finally got the main living area childproofed and I didn't have to worry about her getting into trouble, but I guess her little life is ever changing and she's exploring new things every day.
While in the dollar section at Target I came across several Elmo things (she still loves Elmo). One of the things was Elmo flash cards about shapes and colors...who knew that would be so fun! Tonight she sat and looked at all of cards while I made dinner. It was nice to see her sit and enjoy looking at the cards instead of climbing on the couch :). She talked to herself about the pictures and would yell "momma" every once and a while and hold up a card to show me the picture. It was really cute, after we finished dinner we sat together and talked about the cards. We sorted them out and she thought that was pretty cool. After we were done she sang the "clean-up" song and put them back in the box. I was very impressed.  Today I am thankful for the dollar section at Target!

(I feel like all my pictures are "action shots" these days, this girl is always one the move)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! There's lots of love at this house today, Paige and I made homemade pizza and a couple individual cherry pies for daddy. Paige ate a HUGE piece of pizza and we were sad that daddy didn't get home until after we were already done eating. Oh well, we're just glad he was home before Paige had to go to bed.
Paige and I went to story time at the library today and she lasted the entire 45 minutes! It was packed with kids and I think that helped keep her interested. All the kids got a valentine at the end and she loved her little kitty picture.
Here are a couple pictures from our pizza making adventure. Happy Valentine's Day!