Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Because I never want to forget...

It's been way to long since I've had a post like this. There are so many things I never want to forget!

~You love snuggling with mommy in the morning (and so does mommy).
~Your hair is getting long and it curls up so pretty, it's so soft and I love to run my fingers through it.
~You like to sing and when you do it's so soft and sweet. It's a quiet, high-pitched adorable!
~You've been saying things like "be right back", "good night", "I did it", "I got it", "where are you", "love you".
~When we are at the grocery store you insist on holding my list up in front of my face until I look at it. You like when I tell you the next thing on the list and you look so proud when you're helping mommy.
~You love sitting on the big girl potty (you've only actually gone twice).
~You love yogurt!
~You like to burp, it makes you giggle...we don't encourage this (but it's pretty cute when you laugh).
~You like carrots.
~You're using your big girl cup, it makes drinking milk more fun.
~You love stickers, you are able to peel them off the paper by yourself and put then on your shirt.
~You giggle over the silliest things and your laugh is contagious!
~Your eyes are beautiful, everything about you is perfect to me.
~You love jumping on the couch, we've been taking the pillows off and using them as a slide.
~You love looking out the back window at all the birds. Your favorite bird is the cardinal, you can specifically point it out and tell us it's "red".

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