Monday, April 30, 2012


The deer are back! We've been waiting for the deer for months and we finally saw them tonight! Paige was so excited she nearly jumped out of her pants trying to get to the back door. Let's hope they come back, it's great entertainment :)!

Here's Ryan telling Paige that if she kisses him more deer will come visit...she fell for it!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

21 Months Old

Quote of the day: "night-night, sweet dreams". This is what Paige said to the caterpillar she found on the driveway, it scurried into the grass after being tossed around by this 21 month old. As it inched it's way into the grass Paige made sure to blow it a kiss...she loves caterpillars!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A day of firsts...

Today there were many "firsts" at our house...
~ Paige sprayed water all over her face and clothes after she figured out how to spray water out of the refrigerator water dispenser. 
~ Paige asked for ice cream for breakfast
~ Paige decided she didn't need a nap today
~ Upon entering Paige's room during "nap time" I found her naked from the waist down (she took her diaper off all by herself).
~She found her first caterpillar, touched it and attempted to stomp on it.
~ There's a possibility that she got her first sunburn too...either that or she's just hot after attempting to kill the caterpillar (I hope she's just hot).

I guess Mommy learned a bunch of new things today too!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Duck Park

We took another walk in the "duck park" tonight. It was a beautiful day and we thought it would be fun for Paige to see the ducks (or geese as she says) again. The ducks were more willing to eat our bread today, last time they practically ran away. I remember feeding the ducks at this park with my mom when I was a little girl. There is a senior building next to the park and there were lots of older folks out walking tonight. Paige was busy charming them and waving, they all got a kick out of her...especially the man on the electric scooter which she kept calling it a 4-wheeler. Notice the shorts and t-shirts...let's hope for another beautiful day tomorrow!

 Hey...I thought you were feeding the ducks? Good thing they don't mind sharing!

Excited to run through the tunnel...until she heard a loud motorcycle (see below)

Monday, April 23, 2012

A future golfer?

We spent a ton of time outside today, it felt good to get some fresh air ! Outside is way more fun and today Paige was really into her golf clubs, I was impressed by some of her hits! Our neighbor asked if she was working on a golf scholarship...ha...ha...ha... I wonder if we have a future golfer on our hands...her daddy would love it!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Listening to Paige

It's been so fun to listen to Paige talk lately, I have to document a few cute things she's said so I don't forget down the road.
~ When we get in the car she always says "buckle up momma".
~ I overheard her talking to her baby the other day saying "sweet dreams"
~ If I'm not in her sight she'll starting saying "momma, where are you?"
~ She loves when we chase her around the house, she's say "play chase game".
~ When I tell her we're going to eat lunch or diner she'll say "it's noodle time".

Little Cutie

Here are a few pictures of our little cutie!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Paige has really started using her imagination and watching her pretend is adorable! She plays with her little animals and this evening Ryan and Paige were "deer hunting". This consisted of picking up pretend deer in their arms and putting them in the "pen" (the couch) and locking them up with a pillow. She wanted to play deer hunting forever and Ryan and I were laughing when she would tell us how heavy the deer were and watching her strain with the imaginary deer in her arms. It's so fun to watch her little mind work. She amazes me!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


My friend Mandy and her little guy James came over to play and catch up. It was awesome, he kids played really well together and Mandy and I had an actual conversation or two (this is rare when you have young kids). The day flew by, it was amazing to catch up with Mandy and really fun to watch the kids. James is about 5 weeks younger than Paige and it's amazing how much they are alike! Their little voices even sound alike! Can't wait to see them again soon.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Birthday Party

We went to gma and gpa's house yesterday to celebrate Grandma and Tracy's birthdays. It was fun and Paige giggled like crazy while playing with Andy, Alice and Uncle Pat. She tries so hard to keep up with the big kids, it cracks me up. We had a great meal, yummy ice cream cake and tons of fun watching the kids play. Happy birthday Grandma and Tracy!

A walk in Anoka

We decided to go for a walk with the other Carlson crew over the weekend, Anoka has a cute little trail and the kids enjoyed looking at everything. We hoped to feed the ducks, but they didn't want anything to do with us. I'm pretty sure Paige and Kenley ate the crackers they were supposed to give the ducks, the ducks didn't seem to mind. It was a beautiful day and it felt good to get some fresh air...Paige is always on the go and does her best to keep up with Eliot. Although she did ask to be in the stroller for some of our walk, I think she wanted to hang out with Kiki.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Eliot came over to play with Paige today. They made an awesome fort and Eliot thought they should make signs to keep the dragons worked! No dragons got in the fort, Eliot put Paige on "dragon watch", who knew she was so good:)?
They play so well together, Paige only hit Eliot in the head once with the broom (I'm pretty sure it was an accident). It was a great morning, they kept each other busy and played a ton in the cute! When they weren't fighting off dragons they were eating gold-fish, pushing each other in the car or having a dance party!

Dance Party!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nap Time

Paige really loves her thumb, it's obvious when she's tired...she sucks her thumb and rubs her ear. Before nap today she was watching Barney and she looked so cozy with her blanket and baby. I had to take her picture - I never want to forget her sweet innocence.

She's growing up so fast, every day she has a new trick... I hear "mommy look" about 20 times a day and it makes me laugh. She's happy with the simple things, playing with noodles and rice in big containers or just riding around the house in her new car. Opening and shutting the door takes up lots of time, and now she's been busy putting gas in her car too. I didn't plan on leaving the car inside, but with the cold and the wind it's been a great distraction to going outside. That leads me to another topic, she LOVES to be outside...especially with daddy. They do lots of fun stuff and she "helps" daddy with his chores, she has lots to tell me when she comes inside after being with daddy. Her eyes light up and she can't get the words out fast enough, she loves spending special time with her daddy!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

What a great day! Paige woke up to a new little car and an Easter basket, what a lucky girl! She was so excited about the car, we had a hard time getting her out of it and ready for church. She was happy about the Easter basket, but it didn't hold a candle to the can see by the smile on her face!

We did eventually get her away from the car and ready for church. She was a good girl and got to "play" with Kenley during the service. We had a wonderful day with family, it was filled with love, food, laughter, kites, egg hunting and more food. Paige LOVED playing with her cousins and fell asleep right away tonight. We are so blessed to have such a precious and sweet little girl, it was so much fun to watch the joy on her face today!