Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Growing like a weed

I can honestly say that I feel like Paige grew 2 inches over night. About 2 weeks ago I noticed that all of her pants were to short and most of her shirts were to small. She has a long torso like her momma and I realized that she was in need of 3T shirts! Her pants are still 24 months (some 18 months) but I couldn't get over that I was buying "my baby" size 3T.

See what I mean:

She's becoming such a little girl, talking more and more every day and sings most of the time. I don't think anyone else would know what she's singing about but I certainly do. Her favorites are "twinkle twinkle, I love you (from Barney), Old Mcdonlad, and lots of others that we've learned from ECFE (and some made up ones too.)

When she wakes up from her nap we usually snuggle on the couch and watch Barney or Elmo, but yesterday she informed me that she wanted to "sit by self". I asked her if I could sit with her and she said "No, mommy sit" with her little finger pointing to the other couch. She wanted to sit all by herself and wanted me to sit all by myself. I guess it's her independent side coming out, but I sure would have loved to snuggle with her. I have a feeling that those special snuggles after nap might be coming to an end, but I won't stop asking!
UPDATE: She let me cuddle with her after nap today, that makes me one happy mommy!

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