Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nap Time

Paige really loves her thumb, it's obvious when she's tired...she sucks her thumb and rubs her ear. Before nap today she was watching Barney and she looked so cozy with her blanket and baby. I had to take her picture - I never want to forget her sweet innocence.

She's growing up so fast, every day she has a new trick... I hear "mommy look" about 20 times a day and it makes me laugh. She's happy with the simple things, playing with noodles and rice in big containers or just riding around the house in her new car. Opening and shutting the door takes up lots of time, and now she's been busy putting gas in her car too. I didn't plan on leaving the car inside, but with the cold and the wind it's been a great distraction to going outside. That leads me to another topic, she LOVES to be outside...especially with daddy. They do lots of fun stuff and she "helps" daddy with his chores, she has lots to tell me when she comes inside after being with daddy. Her eyes light up and she can't get the words out fast enough, she loves spending special time with her daddy!

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