Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Because I never want to forget...

There are so many things I never want to forget, it's that time again...
~The way you like to tell me "that's a big one and that's a baby one". It's your way of telling me the size of something.
~You really love to golf, it's one thing that will hold your attention longer then 5 minutes.
~You LOVE being outside and you have a total fit when we come in. I often bribe you with a snack, probably not the best idea but I pick my battles.
~ You want to dip everything in ketchup, everything on your plate goes in the ketchup before you eat it.
~You have pretty much mastered your colors, it's amazing!
~I've been spelling your name for you and you try to spell it back, but you're confused with the letter "A" and you think I'm saying "8". It sounds something like this P-A-9-10-E, it's really cute.
~You still sing all the time, when we're in the car  you ask for the "moo-moo" song (AKA: Old McDonald). Auntie Tracy gave us a CD with a bunch of kids songs and you've picked up a bunch of new tunes!
~You still love mac n' cheese and if given the choice you'd eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner. When I tell you it's lunch time your response is - it's noodle time.
~You still like to read, it makes me happy that you'll sit with me and read several books. You really like this little polar bear book and we recently taped a polar bear show on National Geographic that you LOVE. You're so interested in them and you try to act like them when you watch crack me up.
~You're very particular, and you're a minimalist like your daddy. You don't like to have anything in your shopping cart and rarely let your babies ride in the stroller, you push them around empty. You have a little table & chair set and you don't like anything on the table, I tried to have a tea party with you and you made me put the tea set and cups on the floor. Your sand/water table can only have one little red cup, although sometimes you let me use my yellow cup to play too. You have opinions and I love that about you!
~You kiss me often throughout the day, you'll walk up out of the blue and say "mommy, hold you". When I pick you up you kiss me and hug my neck tight, it's the best gift ever.
~You like to have polish on your toenails, and you love to wear headbands.
~You are still counting and have added 11, 12, 13 & 14 to your list.
~You sing the alphabet song, it's not always right but you've got the beat :).
~ You went poo-poo on the potty before your bath the other night. I was shocked and you were thrilled!

We love you and you make daddy and I so happy. Your smile lights up my heart and your giggle makes my day, I love that you always want me to dance with you! I also love that you still want me to hold you like a baby (which you often tell me to do), you snuggle in and suck your thumb. You're a great kid!

This is what I mean about being "particular", you wanted to wear your bib while playing with play-doh!

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