Friday, November 30, 2012


Have you ever heard of "gloop"...I think that's how you spell it? Auntie Shelly made some the other day and sent it home for Paige to play with, Paige even picked the color's her favorite! It's the weirdest texture, sort of like PlayDoh yet...slippery, cool, feels wet but it's not. It sort of melts back into one big piece over time. Paige loved playing with it and told me she had to soak her hands when she was done. She learned that from Grandma, she insists it helps get them "cleaner".


Paige has been really into "Rudolph" lately, I think I hear this song about 50 times a day. She also likes "Frosty the Snowman" which she calls "the white song". She's getting ready for her visit to Santa on Sunday, I keep asking what she wants to put on her list and the one thing she says is "a trampoline, like Kenley's". Let's hope Santa can find what she wants!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


This is the perfect place for the kids to get their wiggles out! Thanks to Shelly for mentioning an outing like this today, it was a good way for the kids to get rid of all their extra energy. The one downfall of winter is that it's hard to go outside and run like crazy. This place was great!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Playing with Scissors!

Paige loves to color, paint, use markers, play with "Play Doh", play with water AND now she likes to play with scissors too! We did this at ECFE a few weeks back and now she's really getting the hang of it. She can open and close the scissors with one hand, before she could only close them and then would take both hands to open them again.

28 Months Old

Look who's 28 Months Old!

Paige looking at the book of her pictures.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A chilly nature walk...

We spent some time in the woods behind our house yesterday, it was a chilly nature walk. How crazy that in the 3 1/2 years that we've lived here, I've never walked all the way back to our property line. Ryan cut a trail for Paige and I and it was pretty cool to see all the wildlife out there. Ryan loves that kind of stuff and so does Paige, she was cheering for Ryan with every tree and branch that he trimmed ("good job daddy").
It felt good to get some fresh air! There's nothing better then spending time as a family!

Ryan showing Paige "deer sign"...apparently this was from a buck (or so he says...ha...ha...ha...)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

New House

We spent our day celebrating Thanksgiving with Nana and Grandpa Carlson today. They are all moved in to their new house, it's beautiful and so cozy. I ate so much food and enjoyed watching the kdis explore their new place, Paige had fun playing with her cousins and running up and down the long hallway! So many things to be thankful for, we are so blessed!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Only in MN

Only in Minnesota would it be 60 degrees one day and 19 degrees with snow the next! Paige and daddy had a blast playing out in the snow, she loved it...I only wish she would leave her gloves on! She wants to pull her purple sled, but doesn't want anyone to actually pull her in it...she's got some strong opinions!

Warming up with a little of mommy's coffee! 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from my little turkey to you! We have so much to be thankful for!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cousin Time

I couldn't resist but to take a few pix of Paige and Kenley while they played together today. Paige still struggles sharing her toys and Kenley is always patient. It's all a process, sharing can be fun but saying "mine" is something Paige is very good at. Hoping that working with her will help...some day anyway!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Project Part II

What a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the temps were was great! The mild weather allowed Paige and I to work on our project. I let Paige paint and we ended up with a little paint on the garage floor, we're hoping daddy won't notice or care. We ended up with 2 coats of paint and it looks like we'll need one more before adding the hooks.
We took advantage of the amazing weather and played outside most of the afternoon. We fed the deer (squirrels, chipmunks, birds) and Paige showed me where she (and daddy) cut down some small stumps so she won't trip anymore. We explored the woods a little behind our house and ended up on the swing. After painting the second coat, Paige wanted me to cast her little fishing rod so that she could pretend to be a fish. Don't worry, it doesn't have a hook...just a little rubber star. Every time she'd get close I'd yank it away and she'd giggle harder and harder. I'm sure the neighbors thought we were nuts and total red-necks. It didn't matter to me, hearing her laugh and watching her crawl around the yard chasing a tiny little star was hilarious!

Happy 70th Birthday Aunt Pat

We went to an afternoon party birthday party for Aunt Pat yesterday. Paige kept asking me if it was Uncle Pat and I told her it was Aunt Pat, and I told her it was Grandma's sister. She then started calling her "little tiny Pat", I guess she is much shorter than Uncle Pat! We had a fun day with the girls, Paige loved the bunnies and spending time with all her girl cousins. She's getting so old! Here are a few pics from our fun afternoon!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Turning old into new...

Paige and I have taken on a new project! Ryan brought home a coat rack a couple weeks ago, it was at his parents house and they found it while moving. Ryan made this coat rack in a "woods" class during his high school years. It's made the rounds from Wadena, to his house in Maple Grove, I think it did some time in the hunting shack up north and now it will be used as a dress up rack for Paige. Ryan cut it down and Paige & I spent some time sanding it yesterday. She's a hard worker and loved every minute of it, I think she'll be crafty like her mommy. We need to get a couple new hooks and decide what color to paint it...but the project is underway. I'll show an "after" picture when it's done, not sure when that will be...hopefully in the next 2 weeks. Here's my little helper girl, I love her so much!