Friday, May 31, 2013

The Zoo!

The sun was shining and we decided to take full advantage! I was feeling good and everything worked out perfect for us to take a little trip to the zoo. It was a beautiful day and it felt so good to get outside and get some fresh air and let the sun shine on our faces. The animals were cute. Paige especially liked the Monkeys, one had a paper bag to play with and kept putting it on his head...she thought that was hilarious! About half way through our visit we were surprised by Auntie Tracy, she had been searching for us for about a half hour and I didn't hear my cell phone ring because of how loud it was. She finally found us and we were totally surprised! We ate our lunch together and checked out the was so fun!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Feeding our Monster...

What do you on ANOTHER rainy morning? We feed our "cookie monster", we didn't have blue paper so we used orange. Paige did this activity at ECFE a while back and really enjoyed it! She cuts up tiny pieces of paper and then puts them all in the monsters mouth. It keeps her busy and helps her brush up on her cutting skills!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

34 Months Old

I'm a couple days late, but here it is...she's 34 months old! 
She insisted on wearing her PJ's.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Big Girl Bed

Well, we did it...we moved from the toddler bed to the "big girl bed" tonight. She's getting so big and her body took up the full length of her toddler bed, I have no idea when that happened!
She was very excited to help pick out her new bed at Costco AND she was VERY excited about her horse bedding! We decided to just keep the box spring and mattress on the floor for now (classy, I know) and when she gets adjusted we'll get an actual bed frame. We know there will be a few trips in the middle of the night to put her back in bed, we just figured this would be less of a fall.

 You can see a glimpse of how swollen this little girl gets from gnat bites. Check out her neck, she ended up with 4 on her neck while playing in the back yard with me yesterday. We've been keeping an eye on it and lathering her with anti-itch cream. I feel so bad for her, but she only really complains about it at bed time. Hoping the new bed will distract from the itching!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Rain = Pizza Ranch

Paige and I were excited to go watch Andy's baseball game the other night. The bummer is that the rain caused the game to be canceled. The good news is that we went to dinner at Pizza Ranch and were able to hang out with the gang and eat lots of yummy pizza! Hoping to go watch Andy and Alice's games in the sunshine next week!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Eliot's Pre-School Program

We had a fun time watching Eliot's pre-school program yesterday! It was cute to see all the kids on stage singing songs and looking so grown up. Eliot did an amazing job and he really does look like such a "big boy" these days...gone are the toddler years - he's turned into a little boy! He's a great role-model for Paige and we are lucky to have him as our cousin! It's hard to imagine Paige singing on that same stage next year! I kept thinking to myself "will she really be old enough to do that", "I wonder what it will feel like for me as a mom to see her in pre-school". She kept telling me that she was going to school there next fall and that she was going all by herself. I'm glad I still have a few months to keep her close to my heart before she grows up too!

I realized that I didn't get any pictures of the actual program (I guess I used Shelly's camera for that) but here are a few pics of the kiddos!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A family day...

We had some great "family time" at the Bunker Hills Stables today. It was an open house and we were able to enjoy all the activities for free! Paige went on 5 pony rides, we all went on a hay ride, she got her face painted and we watched the drill show. Paige brushed a pony and spend lots of time checking out the horses. It's so much fun to see her love for horses, I don't know who's  more excited...her or Ryan?
It started out a cool rainy day, but by the time we left the sun was out and it was very warm. The perfect time to head home for a nap. Fun was had by all!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Duck Park

We took our first trip to the "duck park" this morning. It turns out there weren't any ducks, just lots of geese. Let me just say that geese are not nearly as nice as ducks. We fed them for a while, but they ended up getting a little aggressive...Paige kept saying "that goose is mean".

I found a new sun hat for her, it has breathable mesh and I'm hoping it will help with the heat rash behind her ears and on her neck. It seems to be an every day thing for her now, she had it in Florida so she must be very sensitive to it now I guess?

Summer has arrived!

I can't believe it's finally here AND that it went from 35 degrees to 93 degrees in one week! Our family has spent a lot of time outside and I'm loving the feeling that sunshine and warm weather brings. Paige has been really busy with her water table, she's loving all things water this week. It keeps her busy and I love seeing her get fresh air. The only down side is that she has a heat rash behind her ears and on her neck so we've been spending some time out of the sun.  Either way, it's great to have summer!

Happy Mother's Day

It was a very Happy Mother's Day at our house! I got to sleep in, followed by my favorite "chicken apple sausage" sandwich from Caribou delivered to my bed! It was wonderful! I was spoiled with a gift card for a pedicure and I can't wait to use it!
We had a great afternoon with family, and I am lucky to have such a wonderful little girl to call me "mommy".

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Paige has always loved playing with her babies, now her babies have become her "grandkids". She's so cute, she talks in this really high pitched voice to her "grandkids". She cracks me up!

"Mom, take a picture of me and my grandkids. See how they both sit on my knee."

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Andy!

Wow, can you really be 7 years old already? You have grown up so much! You have such a tender heart and yet you're the most athletic little boy I know. Paige loves you, she follows you around like a puppy and you're always so patient with her. I am proud to be your God-Mother and your auntie, it's so fun to watch you grow up! We look forward to watching your sporting events this summer and cheering you on from the side-lines!

I'm kicking myself because I forgot my camera, your party was a blast and I love that your mom served your favorite meal of turkey sandwiches!  We love you Andy!!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

More biking...

Paige is becoming a real pro, she LOVES riding her bike...that's all she did this morning! We rode around the neighborhood and I honestly had a hard time keeping up with her! I'm a proud mommy!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Future "soccer girl"!

Paige had a blast watching Eliot's soccer game, she wasted no time sneaking a ball and playing a little soccer with Daddy! Can't wait to watch her in action some day soon!

Happy Birthday Kenley!

Look who's 3! I feel so lucky to be the auntie of such an amazing and smart little sweetie! Kenley, you light up the room with your smile and warm my heart and make me proud! We all love you!