Saturday, May 25, 2013

Big Girl Bed

Well, we did it...we moved from the toddler bed to the "big girl bed" tonight. She's getting so big and her body took up the full length of her toddler bed, I have no idea when that happened!
She was very excited to help pick out her new bed at Costco AND she was VERY excited about her horse bedding! We decided to just keep the box spring and mattress on the floor for now (classy, I know) and when she gets adjusted we'll get an actual bed frame. We know there will be a few trips in the middle of the night to put her back in bed, we just figured this would be less of a fall.

 You can see a glimpse of how swollen this little girl gets from gnat bites. Check out her neck, she ended up with 4 on her neck while playing in the back yard with me yesterday. We've been keeping an eye on it and lathering her with anti-itch cream. I feel so bad for her, but she only really complains about it at bed time. Hoping the new bed will distract from the itching!

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