Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dancin' Fool!

What a goof, Paige wanted me to video her dancing today so she could watch it. This is one of many videos...she also asked to wear a dress so it could "spin" like her.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Birthday Party!

Thanks to our family for coming to celebrate Paige's birthday this afternoon! She is one lucky girl to be loved so much and by such a wonderful family. She had a great time, received wonderful gifts and had everything a little girl could want! That included a home-made birthday cake from her mommy, feeling proud that I actually made one this year and hoping it's a new tradition! We were hoping to put on our swimsuits and run through the sprinklers, but considering it was only 58 degrees that didn't happen. I'm not sure it's ever been this cold in the middle of July! Happy Birthday sweet girl, I still can't believe you're 3...where has the time gone? We love you!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A fun night...

While Dad's away...the girls will play. Paige and I had a fun "date night" tonight. She took an extra long nap so I knew she wouldn't be ready for bed at her normal time. I took advantage of it and packed a picnic dinner and we went to the park. We had a great time and had the park all to ourselves! The cooler weather is wonderful, the heat has really done me in this summer...not sure if it's the pregnancy or what?

Then we ate a little picnic dinner!

After the picnic is was off to the ice cream shop! Paige and I shared a cone...well, she let me have a little!
We finished out the night at the duck park and took a walk along the river. 
It was a fun night, especially at the end when out of no-where she said "mom, thanks for taking me on a date tonight...I had lots of fun with you". Melt my heart, I  had lots of fun too!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Swim Lessons

Two buddies taking swimming lessons together. Each day gets a little better, today Paige even went down the slide!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

22 1/2 weeks!

I just realized that I've never said anything about being pregnant with number two on this blog. I guess because it was a rocky start, and because I was either worried sick or just plain had to much morning sickness to function at full capacity. The good news is that our miracle baby is growing and doing everything HE should, yes...it's a BOY! It's sinking in that our second child will be here in November and things are getting exciting. A new crib arrived, some clothing shopping for a baby boy has been done and lots of day dreaming about what it will be like to have a boy. Paige is very excited and I know she will be a HUGE help...maybe a little too helpful in the beginning. It will be a new experience for all of us, our family will be complete with a little girl and a little boy.
Here's a picture of Paige and I, there's no disguising my tummy these days and this little boy is a mover and a shaker. I'm beginning to wonder if he'll ever stop moving round in my tummy! Lets hope he's getting out all his energy now so that he can be a very calm and easy baby in the "outside world".

"Silly Puddles"

Here's a video of Paige playing with her "silly puddles", otherwise known as Silly Puddy. She cracks me up...who knew it could be so fun. Do you like our dining room table? We sold our counter height table on craigslist yesterday and ordered a new "regular" height one. The new table won't be for about 3 weeks so we'll be eating on our handy card table until then. Paige loves it and we have lots more room in the dining area...even enough room for a dance floor!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fishing at Blue Lake!

A huge thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for taking Paige and I fishing today! Paige had a great time and so did I! Grandpa gave us the royal treatment and put the top up so that we didn't overheat. Paige caught the first fish and I think we caught a total of around 10 sunfish. It was fun to watch her enjoy herself in the boat with the leeches and worms...and snacks too!
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Great Granny!

Yesterday was a nice visit at Great Granny's! We took a little road trip to Brainerd and picked up pizza for lunch, Granny loves pizza! Paige had fun, she loves the halls at Granny's assisted living building. They have lots of things to explore and Granny pushed her around on her walker! We are so lucky to have such a sweet and "with it" granny, even at 97 she's still witty, funny and a great story teller!
She saved an ice cream cone for Paige and now has a forever friend...Paige was thrilled!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Our first "movie night"

After a hot and busy week we decided to have our first official "movie night" as a family. We had pizza and picked out Bambi II as our movie of choice. It was great, Paige took a bath and was all cozy in her PJ's and we made a big cozy bed with pillows and blankets so we could all snuggle and watch the movie! It was so fun, she sat through all of it and requested a banana instead of popcorn. Ryan and I loved it, who wouldn't love laying around being lazy on a friday night? Much needed for our little family! Here's Paige waiting, waiting for the movie to start!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


It was another HOT day, the humidity was beyond uncomfortable! Ryan and I sat in the shade while Paige swam in the pool, the perfect day for a swim!

 Check it out, she can plug her nose and put her face under water!