Sunday, July 21, 2013

22 1/2 weeks!

I just realized that I've never said anything about being pregnant with number two on this blog. I guess because it was a rocky start, and because I was either worried sick or just plain had to much morning sickness to function at full capacity. The good news is that our miracle baby is growing and doing everything HE should,'s a BOY! It's sinking in that our second child will be here in November and things are getting exciting. A new crib arrived, some clothing shopping for a baby boy has been done and lots of day dreaming about what it will be like to have a boy. Paige is very excited and I know she will be a HUGE help...maybe a little too helpful in the beginning. It will be a new experience for all of us, our family will be complete with a little girl and a little boy.
Here's a picture of Paige and I, there's no disguising my tummy these days and this little boy is a mover and a shaker. I'm beginning to wonder if he'll ever stop moving round in my tummy! Lets hope he's getting out all his energy now so that he can be a very calm and easy baby in the "outside world".

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