Sunday, September 28, 2014

Catching Up....

It's been a beautiful weather week! I've been trying to soak up lots of outside time with the kids, I feel like I'm trying to squeeze in a few last adventures before the snow falls! 

We went on a trip to Como and luckily Grandpa decided to join us. Paige was thrilled to show Grandpa everything, they were cute walking around together. Times like this are very special and I know it's a memory that Paige will never forget!

Then, we were lucky enough to have our big cousin Alice spend the night on Friday. Ryan was up north so it was great to have extra help and both kids LOVED playing with her. We had a great time, the girls stayed up lated and watched movies, then Paige woke Alice up bright and early so we decided to go to Han's Bakery for a little treat! What a fun day! 

We also went to "dinosaur park", you just never know when the stars are going to align and both kids will be awake and ready to play on a whim. It was fun, Graham loved the swings & slides and Paige showed off all her jumping skills. Her preschool class has been going to this park so she's an expert on all the fun spots. I honestly can't believe summer is almost ending, I'm very grateful for the warm weather this past weekend...I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer! 

Look how big my baby boy is getting!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


This little guy was bound and determined to get up (and down) this slide. I had to put my camera down when he pulled himself up and went head-first down the slide. He didn't get hurt, I just wanted to make sure he wasn't going to do a header off the end. He's one busy guy, he never stops moving...I hope he keeps me young. He's always happy and his smile is contagious!

Sunday, September 21, 2014


 Barbie has become a hit at our house. It's a big deal that Paige can finally change their clothes all by herself. She is so proud and it makes me so happy that she's found something to keep herself busy for a little while. It's cute to see the little outfits she comes up with, I used to love playing Barbies and I've recently brushed up on my skills, we've been playing Barbies before bed at night...a fun way to connect with her at the end of the day. I love this girl!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

One Year Ago...

Just for fun....this is what I looked like 1 year ago!

Picture Day

Paige had picture day today at preschool....look at her last year!
And today she looked like this....
(This is Kylie, she hangs out with us on Wednesday mornings before school since her parents have to be to work early)

Deer Sighting....

Here's Graham's first deer sighting. Well, the first one that he's ever reacted too anyway. He loved it, banged on the window and the deer didn't mind his screams at all. We've had a momma deer and her two babies in the yard for the last few days, so fun to see them.

The bonus is that they entertain the kids for a while and I don't have to worry about Graham doing things like this for a couple minutes! This little guy has mastered the art of pulling himself up on this activity table, I sure hope I can keep up with this kid!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I feel like the days fly by, so much is happening...chasing Graham is my number one activity. He is one busy guy! He loves pulling himself up on ANYTHING and walking along the furniture, he loves to get into things he shouldn't and will look at me as he's crawling toward things that he knows are a "". How do they know these things so young! He's very sweet too, loves his sister and is almost always smiling. He's recently been loving books, I noticed he's turning the pages with his left hand...could he be a lefty? He's starting to eat more table food, cut up bananas, pears, small pieces of cheese, rotisserie chicken cubes and cooked sweet potato cubes. He's growing up fast and his top teeth are so swollen, I can't imagine it will take much longer for them to come through.

Paige and Ryan bought a 100 piece puzzle and worked on it last night, she loved it! She's usually not one to sit and work on anything for to long, but she really enjoyed this! She's growing up, every day there's something new...

Monday, September 8, 2014


Well, it's already that time of year! Where did the summer go? I was so worried that it would be a long summer without "school" or activities planned for us...but it flew by and we were always busy! Paige started her first day of preschool today, it's her second year at Lord of Life and she was a bit nervous. She met a great new friend named Molly at VBS this summer and thankfully they're in the same class this year. Paige was close to tears and squeezing me until Molly showed up. They were both shy at first but within minutes were holding hands, giggling and running off to play together. It's a good reminder for me how important friendships are, even at this young age. I miss her already, Graham is sleeping and the house is hasn't been like this in months. I can't get over how tall she is and I think her feet have grown an inch in the last month! They really do grow up so fast!
 Look what a difference a year makes...last year above and today below! She was so little! 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"special, special"

Anyone who knows Paige knows that she used to love her "special, specials"...AKA a fruit/veggie pouch. It was (and sometimes still is) the only way we can get her to eat veggies. Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Happy Birthday Abby!

Paige had her first ever "American Girl Doll" experience. It was so fun, thanks to her cousin Alice for letting us borrow her doll for the party! The food was great, the friends were excellent and a bonus to go on rides at the end! She had a great time!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Good Morning!

Well, here they are...playing computers together. That's what every family does at 5:45am, right? Wow, we have early risers!!!