Sunday, January 30, 2011

G-ma and G-pa's house

We spent some time hanging out with grandpa and grandpa last night.  Paige ate her sweet potatoes with Grandma Kathy while everyone else relaxed in the living room.  Once she was done with dinner she had the busy job of keeping us entertained, she showed us her new skill of sitting up like a big girl.  She's doing a great job, but still falls backwards sometimes so we don't trust her to sit by herself yet.  She LOVES her books, we brought a couple with last night and read with grandma and grandpa before we left to go home to bed.

This is what she looks like after a night of fun and grandma and grandpas house...she fell asleep by the time we left their neighborhood!  Ryan and I laughed when we the took the blanket off her carseat and this is what she looked like, soooo cute!

Baptismal Gown

I decided to take a couple extra pictures of Paige in her baptismal gown today, I'm trying to put my photography class to good use and try a couple different settings on my camera.  She was a wiggly one, and very talkative...she's a great subject so it wasn't hard to capture a couple cute shots.

Baby Doll

Paige has been having fun playing with her dolly. She LOVES her pigtails and will tug on them over and over.  It's cute to see her interact with a doll, she even gave the dolly a big squeeze cute!

Mommy's been using her new camera and thanks to Auntie Tracy for taking me to the photography class with her yesterday.  I learned a ton and can't wait to get out there and try all the things I learned! 

Friday, January 28, 2011


Paige seems to be waving these days, she's been doing it for a while now...but not consistently until this week.  It's pretty cute, and often time she gets so excited that you'll get a double handed wave. 

I have a photography class tomorrow and I'm hoping it will help me learn a few things about my new camera.  Can't wait to take some great pictures of Sweet P!

6 Month Stats

Paige had her 6 month appointment today and the Dr. said her cold is getting much better.  We were happy to hear that the "rattle" in her chest is gone.  She still has a bad cough in the morning, and is a bit congested but seems to be feeling better and better every day.

Weight: 16lbs 8oz (61%)
Height: 27.5 inches (77%)
Head: She's in the 97th percentile, I can't remember the exact number.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

6 Months Old!

Paige turned 6 months old yesterday!  I honestly can't believe it, time really does fly by!  She's a happy and healthy 6 month old (minus the little cold that she has right now).  She LOVES going to play with her friends at daycare and she LOVES to see mommy when she picks her up in the afternoon.  She gives me a big hug around the neck and grabs my hair very gently, then she'll push back and look at my face and squeeze my neck again!  She's got a few nick names: snookie, doodle bug, stinerson (daddy) and she'll answer to any of them.  She's been enjoying her big girl food and pears seem to be her favorite so far, her tummy is still trying to adjust to the new food...she ususally comes home from daycare in a new outfit (if you catch my drift).  I can't imagine life without our precious girl, she brings us so much joy and I feel like I can't kiss her enough.  Happy 6 months Paige...we love you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Sunday was a very special day for Paige, she was baptized at Northgate church.  She was surrounded by all the people who love her and Eric & Shelly stood up as her God Parents. Paige is blessed to have so many people to help guide her in faith!  She looked beautiful and did a great job, she didn't even cry!  She woke up very early and didn't feel very good, but she was still in a great mood!  Thanks to Grandma Kathy and Grandpa John for buying her such a beautiful baptismal gown!  It was so nice to celebrate the day with our families, very relaxing and enjoyable! 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Give Peas A Chance :)

Paige had her first taste of peas yesterday!  She didn't love them, but she ate most of her peas/cereal mixture!  She's moving up in the world, she's mastered cereal and is on to veggies...then fruit. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Paige loves her Jumperoo!  We decided to get something for her to stand up and play in downstairs, she LOVES to stand up and we wanted to spend more time in our basement!  I searched on craigslist and found this jumperoo for a great deal. She's a little to short, so I folded up a towel and put it under her legs...she loves it.  It's more bouncy then the excersaucer and she'll "dance" around and look at us with her proud grin. I can't believe that she's going to be 6 months old next week, where did the time go?

25 Weeks!

Paige is 25 weeks old and recovering from her first real cold.  She's feeling much better today and went back for a full day of daycare, she hasn't done that in 5 days!  I was so nervous because I thought that she'd have a hard time napping, but she did a great job and got lots of sleep today!  I'm so glad that we're turning the corner, but now her daddy has a cold...uuugghhhh! 

I'm ready for warmer weather and in about a month we'll be in Arizona for a short trip and we're SOOOO looking forward to getting out of this winter wonderland!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Video Monitor

I'm a huge fan of our video monitor!  We can "spy" on Paige at bedtime, while watching her over the last couple weeks I've noticed that she's loves to twirl her toes and rub her feet on the bed.  Toe twirling must be a Carlson trait because her daddy does the same thing.  She's a great combination of Carlson and Ottenstroer because during sleepy time she sucks her pointer fighter just like her mommy. 

She has her first full blown cold and it's NO FUN.  She slept in her carseat last night because she was so plugged.  Thanks to grandma Kathy for coming to help this morning while mommy and daddy had to work.  She's had a good afternoon and doesn't think she needs to nap...but I'm hopeful that she'll give in.  I'm praying that she'll sleep ok tonight because mommy and daddy are very tired! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

24 Weeks!

You're 24 Weeks Old!
We started a new nighttime routine last night, Paige has still been waking up every 2-3 hours in the middle of the night and it's beyond exhausting.  With that in mind, we decided that things need to change...Ryan is on daddy duty and letting me sleep this week.  If she wakes up crying and isn't hungry, he's been going in and trying to console only took her 15 minutes last night and only half of that was tearful.  If I would have gone in there she would have cried for an hour...or until I fed her.  Hopefully she'll start to realize that she's not going to eat every 2-3 hours, instead it will be like every 4-5 :)!  That should help with the little bags under her eyes.  Last night was pretty good and she slept until 8am when I had to wake her up for daycare!  Thanks to Ry for being such a great daddy and hubby, last night was the best night sleep that I've had since July 26th :).

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Random Thoughts...

It's been SOOOO cold this week, which means that we haven't been out much.  When it's cold like this, I just don't like taking her out unless I have to.  Poor Nana and Grandpa had -31 temps in Bigfork earlier this week, I bet they can't wait to get to Florida! 

Paige has continued to eat her rice cereal and she eats it with a smile every day.  It may or may not be helping both her sleep issues and spit-ups.  She did sleep for 4 consecutive hours the other night (which never happens) and I'm hopeful that it will only get better.  I'm looking forward to her 6 month appointment later this month, wondering if the dr. will have any other recommendations. 

Paige has been chewing on her hands like crazy, there has to be a tooth coming soon!  The bad thing is that she's putting her fingers way to far in and making herself gag, which is usually followed by even more spit up.

Ryan and I were remembering how when she was a newborn she would fling her arms up in the air and hold them in place.  She would sleep in her boppy pillow and those little arms would be straight up in the air, and they would stay that way for minutes at a time. Ryan said that is one of his favorite memories. 

Paige loves to scratch, she scratches her crib sheets...the blankets...her books...her mommy and anything else that she can get her hands on.  It cracks me up, because she even does it in her sleep!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Rice Cereal!

Paige ate rice cereal for the first time this afternoon.  Her spit-ups have been getting worse rather then better, I did some research and many people said that giving a baby "food" can help.  I mixed up a tiny bowl and she LOVED it, she especially loved chewing on the spoon.  It was fun to watch her, when the spoon got close to her mouth she would open wide and get so excited!
I hope the "food" will help with sleeping through the night and keep her from spitting up so much...only time will tell :).

Sunday, January 2, 2011

23 Weeks!

I know I'm posting this a day early, but I had time to take her picture today and she looked so cute in the outfit that Grandma Kathy gave her for Christmas! 


Our backyard view!

New Camera!

Here are a few shots from our new camera, I still have lots to learn! 

Happy New Year!

Or not so happy for Paige.  She had a rough new years eve, lots of we ended up staying home.  We're still not sure what was wrong, she was up every two hours crying but then when she finally woke up for the day (at 9:00am) she seemed just fine.  She took a 3 hour nap on new years day and I think she's back on track now.  This mommy just wishes that she'd sleep through the night, and I'm hoping that 2011 will grant that wish :)! 

Can't wait to see how much our sweet P changes this year, it's going to be so fun to watch! 

Happy New Year!