Monday, January 10, 2011

24 Weeks!

You're 24 Weeks Old!
We started a new nighttime routine last night, Paige has still been waking up every 2-3 hours in the middle of the night and it's beyond exhausting.  With that in mind, we decided that things need to change...Ryan is on daddy duty and letting me sleep this week.  If she wakes up crying and isn't hungry, he's been going in and trying to console only took her 15 minutes last night and only half of that was tearful.  If I would have gone in there she would have cried for an hour...or until I fed her.  Hopefully she'll start to realize that she's not going to eat every 2-3 hours, instead it will be like every 4-5 :)!  That should help with the little bags under her eyes.  Last night was pretty good and she slept until 8am when I had to wake her up for daycare!  Thanks to Ry for being such a great daddy and hubby, last night was the best night sleep that I've had since July 26th :).

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