Saturday, January 8, 2011

Random Thoughts...

It's been SOOOO cold this week, which means that we haven't been out much.  When it's cold like this, I just don't like taking her out unless I have to.  Poor Nana and Grandpa had -31 temps in Bigfork earlier this week, I bet they can't wait to get to Florida! 

Paige has continued to eat her rice cereal and she eats it with a smile every day.  It may or may not be helping both her sleep issues and spit-ups.  She did sleep for 4 consecutive hours the other night (which never happens) and I'm hopeful that it will only get better.  I'm looking forward to her 6 month appointment later this month, wondering if the dr. will have any other recommendations. 

Paige has been chewing on her hands like crazy, there has to be a tooth coming soon!  The bad thing is that she's putting her fingers way to far in and making herself gag, which is usually followed by even more spit up.

Ryan and I were remembering how when she was a newborn she would fling her arms up in the air and hold them in place.  She would sleep in her boppy pillow and those little arms would be straight up in the air, and they would stay that way for minutes at a time. Ryan said that is one of his favorite memories. 

Paige loves to scratch, she scratches her crib sheets...the blankets...her books...her mommy and anything else that she can get her hands on.  It cracks me up, because she even does it in her sleep!

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