Monday, February 28, 2011

Books in bed...

We've started a new bedtime routine, we read books in our bed before Paige goes to sleep.  She loves it and it's so cute to see her sitting up like such a big girl, she thinks mom and dad's bed is pretty cozy!  Can't wait until she wants to take a nap in it some day! 

Skinny Jeans :)

Isn't this the cutest little bum you've ever seen?!?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

7 Months Old!

Can you believe it?  I know I say this every month, but where does the time go?  Paige has the cutest little personality, she's has a lot of opinions and LOTS of smiles.  She's such a good baby and we are so lucky!  Her two little teeth are growing and she looks so different, she's been chewing on everything and drooling like crazy.  I have a feeling we'll see another tooth some time this month.  She's still got her cold, but she's a trooper...despite coughing and a runny nose she's still her smiley self.
She's been getting up on a fours and rocking back and forth, it's so much fun to watch her learn new things.  It seems that every day she has a new "trick" for us, and we love it! 

Happy 7 Month Birthday Paige!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

30 Weeks!

Paige is 30 weeks old!  She's got a bad cold and her cough breaks my heart!  She's at her worst in the morning, I'm sure it's because she's been laying down all night...but by mid morning she's usually pretty good.  She went back to daycare today (after vacation & snow day) and she was very happy to see her friends.  She's been doing this cute new thing, she lays her head to one side and will copy you if you do it.  Oh and she's been "dancing"...IT'S SO CUTE!  She does it when she's sitting and it's the cutest thing, I'll get it on video and post it soon. 
She's a wild woman in her jumperoo...I'll have to get a video of that too.  She's changing so much every week, and it's fun to watch her learn new things.  I must admit I'm sad to see her growing so fast, but very happy that she still gives me big hugs and kisses all the time.  It's so fun when she puts her little arms around my neck and squeezes!
I have a feeling that more teeth are on the way, her bottom gums look really swollen and she's been mouthing everything in sight! 

Monday, February 21, 2011

I love my lil girl SO MUCH!

Dear Paigey,

It was so much fun to be home with you and Mommy today! Words can't express how much I love the two of you!

Love Daddy :)

Tea Party

It was a "snow day" at our house, we were both able to work from home and Paige didn't have daycare so it worked out great.  She still has a bad cough and runny nose so an extra day at home was much needed! 

Daddy took some time out of his day for a little tea party with Paigey, she loved it :)!

A special thanks to Auntie Tracy, Uncle Mike, Alice and Andy for such a sweet Valentine's Day gift! 

Back to Reality...

After a great trip to Arizona we came home to a snow storm!  We had such a nice trip, Paige did an awesome job on the airplane and despite tiny naps was a happy girl.
It was so much fun to hang out with Sara and do "mom stuff" together.  Both Rylan and Paige had colds, so there was lots of coughing and many boogies to wipe.  Rylan and Paige got along great, it was so much fun to watch them play together and for me to see how active Paige is going to be in the coming months.
We love and miss you Sara, thanks for making it a wonderful trip!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Radio Flyer!

Paige is going to have to get one of these walking toys, it is great and helps them learn to walk slowly.  For now she mostly enjoyed sitting inside and playing!

New Hat!

Paige looks so cute in her new hat!  We went to an outdoor shopping mall and had lunch/ did some shopping with Sara and ended up being a nice afternoon.  I think she looks adorable in this cute little hat!

Paige LOVES to Swing!

Paige had so much fun swinging, she loved every minute of it!  After a while she would giggle like she lost her tummy, it was so cute.  She also threw her first fit...she's got a temper when it comes to the swing, she didn't want the fun to end.  Can't wait for summer, we'll have to get a swing for our back yard!

Best Buddies

Paige and Rylan

I think this picture is so cute, I love the way they're looking at each other.

Visiting Daddy's Hotel

Sara was sweet enough to drive us out to Daddy's hotel.  It was perfect, we met lots of daddy's co-workers and had lunch before his conference started.  The hotel was beautiful and daddy had a great room!  We're proud of Ryan because he won a great award for all his hard work this year...way to go Ry!

The cutest picture ever!

Paige and Rylan holding hands in the car :)

Fresh Air in Arizona

Arizona Bound

We had a wonderful trip to Arizona, we left on Feb. 15th and it was a great plane ride.  Paige slept for about 20 minutes and then was awake and happy for the entire flight.  I brought a pacifier (she usually never takes one) and she loved it!  Thank goodness because I think it helped her ears on take off and landing.  She had fun with our luggage.  We didn't get any pictures on the plane, the logistics of it were just to hard...but here are a couple from the airport. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy 1st Valentine's Day, Paigey!

Dear Paige,

Happy Valentine's Day! Though you're only six and a half months old, I wanted to wish you Happy Valentine's Day and let you know how much I love you. You're the greatest gift your Mommy and I have ever received and we love you more than words can express. You make my day everyday I come home from work and I love to see you smile.

You're so precious and I love you so much!

Happy Valentine's Day!


Daddy :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Girl Time

Paige and Kenley had so much fun "talking" yesterday.  It was fun to watch them play together and interact.  Kenley was trying to teach Paige how to bang on her toys, but Paige was more interested in stealing everything Kenley was playing with.  

As I was taking the video my memory card said "card full", hopefully I'll get the link from Shelly so you can see them chatting even more. 

Paige's first Valentine

Paige got her first Valentine yesterday!  It was from her Great Granny and it even included a dollar!  She loved looking at the card, she held it and played with it for a good while!  Her hands were full of sparkles when she was done...thanks so much Granny you made Paige's day :)!