Saturday, February 26, 2011

7 Months Old!

Can you believe it?  I know I say this every month, but where does the time go?  Paige has the cutest little personality, she's has a lot of opinions and LOTS of smiles.  She's such a good baby and we are so lucky!  Her two little teeth are growing and she looks so different, she's been chewing on everything and drooling like crazy.  I have a feeling we'll see another tooth some time this month.  She's still got her cold, but she's a trooper...despite coughing and a runny nose she's still her smiley self.
She's been getting up on a fours and rocking back and forth, it's so much fun to watch her learn new things.  It seems that every day she has a new "trick" for us, and we love it! 

Happy 7 Month Birthday Paige!

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